读取映射到内存的 CSV 文件的最简单方法?

Simplest way to read a CSV file mapped to memory?(读取映射到内存的 CSV 文件的最简单方法?)

本文介绍了读取映射到内存的 CSV 文件的最简单方法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当我在 C++(11) 中读取文件时,我使用以下方法将它们映射到内存中:

When I read from files in C++(11) I map them in to memory using:

boost::interprocess::file_mapping* fm = new file_mapping(path, boost::interprocess::read_only);
boost::interprocess::mapped_region* region = new mapped_region(*fm, boost::interprocess::read_only);
char* bytes = static_cast<char*>(region->get_address());

当我希望以极快的速度逐字节读取时,这很好.但是,我创建了一个 csv 文件,我想将其映射到内存,读取每一行并在逗号上拆分每一行.

Which is fine when I wish to read byte by byte extremely fast. However, I have created a csv file which I would like to map to memory, read each line and split each line on the comma.


Is there a way I can do this with a few modifications of my above code?

(我映射到内存是因为我有大量内存,我不希望磁盘/IO 流传输出现任何瓶颈).

(I am mapping to memory because I have an awful lot of memory and I do not want any bottleneck with disk/IO streaming).


这是我对足够快"的看法.它在大约 1 秒内压缩 116 MiB 的 CSV(2.5Mio 行[1]).

Here's my take on "fast enough". It zips through 116 MiB of CSV (2.5Mio lines[1]) in ~1 second.


The result is then randomly accessible at zero-copy, so no overhead (unless pages are swapped out).


  • 这比简单的 wc csv.txt 处理同一个文件快 ~3 倍
  • 它大约与下面的 perl one liner 一样快(它列出了所有行上的不同字段计数):

  • that's ~3x faster than a naive wc csv.txt takes on the same file
  • it's about as fast as the following perl one liner (which lists the distinct field counts on all lines):

perl -ne '$fields{scalar split /,

本文标题为:读取映射到内存的 CSV 文件的最简单方法?
