PBI (Power BI) 服务不支持的 System.Object 类型

System.Object type which is not supported by PBI (Power BI)service(PBI (Power BI) 服务不支持的 System.Object 类型)

本文介绍了PBI (Power BI) 服务不支持的 System.Object 类型的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已将 Azure 流分析作业输出设置为 Power BI.但我在分析工作中收到警告,PBI 服务不支持的 System.Object 类型.

I have set Azure Stream Analytic job output as Power BI. But I am getting warning in the analytic job that System.Object type which is not supported by PBI service.

我也无法在 Power BI 中看到任何数据.但我可以看到那里创建的数据库确保流分析作业输出正在那里.

Also I am not able to see any data in Power BI . But I can see the database created there which ensure that stream analytic job output is coming there.

以下是发送到 Power BI 的示例数据.我知道发生错误是因为其中一个属性是 object .我可以在 Power BI 做些什么来处理这个问题?

Below is the sample data sent to Power BI. I know the error happens because one of the property is an object . Is there any thing I can do at Power BI to handle this?




In order to handle this scenario , we need to modify the stream analytics query.


For the above the sample query will as follow,

SELECT test.name,test.date,test.flag,cmd,root,result into[streamanalyticsoutput] 来自 [streamanalyticsinput]

SELECT test.name,test.date,test.flag,cmd,root,result into [streamanalyticsoutput] from [streamanalyticsinput]

streamanalyticsoutput -- 将是 power bi 输出别名

streamanalyticsoutput -- will be the power bi output alias

streamanalyticsinput -- 事件中心输入

streamanalyticsinput -- event hub input

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本文标题为:PBI (Power BI) 服务不支持的 System.Object 类型
