REST API for rabbitmq(rabbitmq 的 REST API)
有没有办法让我从 $.ajax 向 RabbitMQ 发送数据?
Is there a way how can I send data to RabbitMQ from $.ajax?
我的应用程序由数千个 Web 客户端(用 js 编写)和 WCF REST 服务组成,现在我想弄清楚如何为我的应用程序创建一个可扩展的点.这个想法是有一个 rabbitmq 实例,它从一侧接收来自 js 客户端的消息,以及从队列中获取待处理消息的 WCF 工作流服务实例.
My application is made up of several thousands web-clients (written on js) and WCF REST service and now I am trying to figure out how can I create a scalable point for my application. The idea is to have a rabbitmq instance which receives messages from js clients placed on one side, and instances of WCF Workflow Services which are taking pending messages from the queue.
我知道 AMQP 和 HTTP 是完全不同的东西.
I understand that AMQP and HTTP is pretty different things.
所以问题是 - 是否有用于 rabbit mq 的 REST 接口或某种网关
So the question is - is there a REST interface for rabbit mq or some sort of gateway for it
RabbitMQ 开发者工具页面,他们还提供了一个实验性 JSON-RPC 插件 允许 AMQP over HTTP 访问.
There are lots of 3rd-party HTTP plugins listed on RabbitMQ's developer tools page, and they also offer an experimental JSON-RPC plugin that allows for AMQP over HTTP access.
您还应该看看 RabbitJS 和 SockJS 看看 Rabbit 团队是什么分别将消息传递到 node.js 和 WebSockets 的世界.
You should also take a look at RabbitJS and SockJS to see what the Rabbit team is doing to bring messaging to the worlds of node.js and WebSockets, respectively.
这篇关于rabbitmq 的 REST API的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:rabbitmq 的 REST API

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