解析格式错误的 XML

Parse malformed XML(解析格式错误的 XML)

本文介绍了解析格式错误的 XML的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试将一段(可能)格式错误的 HTML 加载到 XMLDocument 对象中,但它因 XMLExceptions 而失败...因为有额外的开始/结束标记,以及格式错误的 XML 标记,例如img > 代替

I'm trying to load a piece of (possibly) malformed HTML into an XMLDocument object, but it fails with XMLExceptions... since there are extra opening/closing tags, and malformed XML tags such as <img > instead of <img />

如何让 XML 解析数据中的所有错误?在解析之前是否可以应用任何 XML 验证器来纠正这些错误?或者处理异常会解析任何可以解析的东西?

How do I get the XML to parse with all the errors in the data? Is there any XML validator that I can apply before parsing, to correct these errors? Or would handling the exception parse whatever can be parsed?


HTML Agility Pack 将解析html,而不是 xhtml,并且非常宽容.如果您使用过 XmlDocument,对象模型会很熟悉.

The HTML Agility Pack will parse html, rather than xhtml, and is quite forgiving. The object model will be familiar if you've used XmlDocument.

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本文标题为:解析格式错误的 XML
