
How deterministic is floating point inaccuracy?(浮点不准确性的确定性如何?)




I understand that floating point calculations have accuracy issues and there are plenty of questions explaining why. My question is if I run the same calculation twice, can I always rely on it to produce the same result? What factors might affect this?

  • 计算之间的时间?
  • CPU 的当前状态?
  • 不同的硬件?
  • 语言/平台/操作系统?
  • 太阳耀斑?


I have a simple physics simulation and would like to record sessions so that they can be replayed. If the calculations can be relied on then I should only need to record the initial state plus any user input and I should always be able to reproduce the final state exactly. If the calculations are not accurate errors at the start may have huge implications by the end of the simulation.

我目前在 Silverlight 工作,但我很想知道这个问题是否可以得到一般性的回答.

I am currently working in Silverlight though would be interested to know if this question can be answered in general.


Update: The initial answers indicate yes, but apparently this isn't entirely clear cut as discussed in the comments for the selected answer. It looks like I will have to do some tests and see what happens.



From what I understand you're only guaranteed identical results provided that you're dealing with the same instruction set and compiler, and that any processors you run on adhere strictly to the relevant standards (ie IEEE754). That said, unless you're dealing with a particularly chaotic system any drift in calculation between runs isn't likely to result in buggy behavior.


  1. 某些操作系统允许您以破坏兼容性的方式设置浮点处理器的模式.

  1. some operating systems allow you to set the mode of the floating point processor in ways that break compatibility.

浮点中间结果通常在寄存器中使用 80 位精度,但在内存中仅使用 64 位.如果以更改函数内的寄存器溢出的方式重新编译程序,则与其他版本相比,它可能会返回不同的结果.大多数平台都会为您提供一种强制将所有结果截断为内存精度的方法.

floating point intermediate results often use 80 bit precision in register, but only 64 bit in memory. If a program is recompiled in a way that changes register spilling within a function, it may return different results compared to other versions. Most platforms will give you a way to force all results to be truncated to the in memory precision.

标准库函数可能会因版本而异.我认为在 gcc 3 vs 4 中有一些不常见的例子.

standard library functions may change between versions. I gather that there are some not uncommonly encountered examples of this in gcc 3 vs 4.

IEEE 本身允许一些二进制表示不同...特别是 NaN 值,但我不记得细节了.

The IEEE itself allows some binary representations to differ... specifically NaN values, but I can't recall the details.


