The .NET 2.0 SDK Programs - What does each tool do?(.NET 2.0 SDK 程序 - 每个工具的作用是什么?)
下面接受的答案是框架中的 .NET SDK 工具列表.
此答案涵盖了所有 .NET SDK 工具的简要说明和链接.如果您有任何其他信息或知道任何缺少的工具,请随时进行编辑.
al.exe - 程序集链接器从一个或多个模块或资源文件的文件生成带有程序集清单的文件.模块是没有程序集清单的 Microsoft 中间语言 (MSIL) 文件.如果您有一个或多个模块(元数据 没有清单),您可以使用它来创建一个在单独的文件中与清单进行程序集.
apatch.exe - 使用 Delta Compression API,它专门使用PE 文件 来改进压缩技术.它是 Windows 安装程序技术的一部分.优点:比发布新的DLL要小;该补丁仅在受众拥有原始 DLL 时才有用.所以你可以自由发布补丁,不用担心盗版.
aspnet_merge.exe - ASP.NET 合并工具使您能够组合和管理由 ASP.NET 编译工具创建的程序集 (Aspnet 编译器).ASP.NET Merge 工具适用于使用 ASP.NET 2.0 或更高版本创建的程序集.这可以实现以下功能: 为整个网站创建一个程序集;为每个网站文件夹创建一个程序集,并为程序集名称添加前缀;仅为网站用户界面 (UI) 元素(例如页面和控件)创建单个程序集.
AxImp.exe - ActiveX 控件导入器将 COM 类型库中 ActiveX 控件的类型定义转换为 Windows 窗体控件.Windows 窗体只能承载 Windows 窗体控件,即从 Control 派生的类.它为可以托管在 Windows 窗体上的 ActiveX 控件生成包装类.这允许您使用适用于其他 Windows 窗体控件的相同设计时支持和编程方法.
Cert2Spc.exe - 软件发行者证书测试工具从一个或多个 X.509 证书.这仅用于测试目的.您可以从 VeriSign 或 Thawte 等证书颁发机构获得有效的 SPC.
checkv4.exe - Checkv4 实用程序旨在为您提供代码移植合作伙伴;一个实用程序,可与您一起逐步检查您的代码库、识别潜在问题或突出显示可能受益于 IPv6 - 有能力的功能或结构,并提出建议.使用 Checkv4 实用程序,修改现有 IPv4 应用程序以支持 IPv6 变得更容易
clrver.exe - 检测计算机上安装了哪些版本的 .NET Framework 公共语言运行时 (CLR).
Consume.exe - 此命令行工具可以在指定的时间内消耗系统资源,对于重现可能导致的错误很有用由于资源匮乏.它可以消耗的资源包括物理内存、页面文件空间、磁盘空间、内核池和 CPU 时间.例如,启动 Windows 任务管理器(开始->运行->taskmgr.exe)并选择性能选项卡.接下来,打开Windows SDK CMD窗口(开始->所有程序->Windows SDK v6.1->CMD Shell),输入以下consume.exe -cpu-time -time 15".您将看到 CPU 使用历史图表在 15 秒内攀升至最大值.
cordbg.exe - 运行时调试器帮助工具供应商和应用程序开发人员查找和修复针对 .NET Framework 公共语言运行时.该工具使用运行时调试 API 来提供调试服务.开发人员可以检查代码以了解如何使用调试服务.目前,您只能使用 Cordbg 调试托管代码;不支持调试非托管代码.
CorFlags.exe - CorFlags 转换工具允许您配置可移植可执行映像的标头的 CorFlags 部分.它是用于更改 .NET 可执行文件的某些标头属性的实用程序.最常用于更改 .NET DLL 的处理器架构.
ctrpp.exe - CTRPP 工具是一个预处理器,用于解析和验证您的计数器清单.该工具还会生成用于提供计数器数据的代码.在开发提供程序时,您应该使用生成的代码作为起点,而不是尝试自己生成此代码.
disco.exe - Web Services Discovery 工具发现位于 Web 服务器上的 XML Web services 的 URL,并将与每个 XML Web services 相关的文档保存在本地磁盘上.
DUMPBIN.exe - 转储可执行映像或 .obj 文件的各个方面(导入、导出、标头中的信息等)的实用程序.Microsoft COFF 二进制文件转储程序显示有关 32 位通用对象文件格式 (COFF) 二进制文件的信息.您可以使用 DUMPBIN 检查 COFF 对象文件、COFF 对象的标准库、可执行文件和动态链接库 (DLL).
ECManGen.exe - ECManGen 工具使用 GUI 引导您从头开始创建清单,而无需使用 XML 标记.
fdbrowser.exe - Function Discovery Browser 是一个实用程序,它使用图形用户界面在本地计算机上显示函数实例.开发者可以使用该工具确保机器上可用的函数实例和元数据与预期结果匹配.
FUSLOGVW.exe - 程序集绑定日志查看器显示失败程序集绑定的详细信息.此信息可帮助您诊断 .NET Framework 无法在运行时找到程序集的原因.这些故障通常是由于程序集部署到错误位置或版本号或文化不匹配造成的.
gacutil.exe - 在 全局程序集缓存 (GAC) 中注册程序集.p>
genmanifest.exe - Genmanifest 是一个创建清单的命令行程序.
graphedt.exe - GraphEdit 是一个用于构建和测试过滤器图的可视化工具.它作为可执行文件与 DirectX SDK 一起提供.使用 GraphEdit,您可以快速构建和测试过滤器图,以查看它们是否按预期运行.您甚至可以查看由在另一个进程中运行的应用程序创建的过滤器图.
guidgen.exe - Guidgen 工具创建新的全球唯一标识符(GUID).GUID 是通用唯一标识符(UUIDs)标准的 Microsoft 实现.这些是唯一的 128 位值,用于唯一标识项目.
ildasm.exe - 中间语言反汇编器.您可以使用此工具在 MSIL 级别查看已编译的代码.
isXPS.exe - isXPS 一致性工具测试文件是否符合 XML 纸张规范 (XPS) 和 开放包装约定 (OPC) 规范.
lc.exe - 许可编译器读取包含许可信息的文本文件并生成一个 .licenses 文件,该文件可以嵌入到 公共语言运行时 作为资源可执行.
mage.exe - 清单生成和编辑工具是一个命令行工具,支持创建和编辑应用程序和部署清单.这可以从批处理脚本和其他基于 Windows 的应用程序(包括 ASP.NET 应用程序)运行.
mageui.exe - 支持与命令行工具 Mage 相同的功能,但具有基于 Windows 的用户界面 (UI).使用此工具,您可以创建、编辑和签署部署和应用程序清单.
make-shell.exe - 您可以继续使用 make-shell 创建单独的自定义 shell(或 minishell)以包含所有 cmdlet &您编写的提供程序.事实上,出于包装原因,您可能仍想这样做.自定义 shell 允许您通过启动/内置脚本、自定义类型/格式文件和单独的授权管理器自定义环境.因此,如果您想要一个严格控制的环境,您可能希望坚持使用自定义外壳.
makecert.exe - 证书创建工具生成 X.509 证书 用于测试目的只要.它为数字签名创建公钥和私钥对,并将其存储在证书文件中.此工具还将密钥对与指定发布者的名称相关联,并创建一个 X.509 证书,将用户指定的名称绑定到密钥对的公共部分.
Mdbg.exe - NET Framework 命令行调试器帮助工具供应商和应用程序开发人员查找和修复针对 .NET Framework 通用语言运行时.该工具使用运行时调试 API 来提供调试服务.开发人员可以检查代码以了解如何使用调试服务.目前,您只能使用 MDbg 调试托管代码;不支持调试非托管代码.
mgmtclassgen.exe - Management Strongly Typed Class Generator 工具使您能够为指定的 Windows Management Instrumentation 快速生成早期绑定托管类 (WMI) 类.生成的类简化了访问 WMI 类
midl.exe/midlc.exe - 给定一个定义一个或多个 COM 接口和类型库的 IDL 文件,MIDL 编译器生成 下表作为默认输出.
MsiCert.exe - MsiCert 是一个命令行实用程序,可用于使用外部 CAB 文件的数字签名信息填充 MsiDigitalSignature 表和 MsiDigitalCertificate 表.文件柜文件必须经过数字签名并列在媒体表中.MsiCert 使用来自数字签名文件柜的签名者证书信息,如果 MsiDigitalSignature 和 MsiDigitalCertificate 表不存在,则它们将创建并添加到数据库中.
mt.exe - Mt 文件是一个生成签名文件和目录的工具.Mt 要求清单中引用的文件与清单存在于同一目录中.Mt 使用 Secure 的 CryptoAPI 实现生成哈希哈希算法(SHA-1).哈希作为十六进制字符串插入到清单中的标签中.该工具目前仅生成 SHA-1 哈希,但清单中的文件可能使用其他哈希方案.
perflibmig.exe - Perflibv2 迁移器,用于实现或迁移 perflibv2 到清单文件.PerflibV2 接口是一组方法,客户端可以使用这些方法枚举性能计数器元数据和查询服务器上的性能计数器值.客户端可以查看系统上安装的所有计数器.在客户端决定了哪些性能计数器是感兴趣的之后,它可以在服务器上打开一个查询并添加必要的计数器.客户端然后查询这些计数器,服务器根据这些计数器返回客户端指定的计数器的值.一旦在必要的时间内查询了计数器,客户端就会关闭服务器上的查询.
PermCalc.exe - Minimum Grant Set Determination 工具用于估计调用者必须被授予访问程序集的公共入口点的权限.此工具是 .NET Framework 2.0 版中的新工具.它旨在供高级用户使用.
PEVerify.exe - PEVerify 工具可帮助生成 Microsoft 中间语言 (MSIL) 的开发人员(例如编译器编写者、脚本引擎开发人员等)确定他们的 MSIL 代码和相关的元数据 满足型式安全要求.某些编译器仅在您避免使用某些语言结构时才生成可验证的类型安全代码.如果作为开发人员,您正在使用这样的编译器,您可能想要验证您没有损害代码的类型安全性.在这种情况下,您可以对文件运行 PEVerify 工具来检查 MSIL 和 元数据.
ptconform.exe - 验证 Print Ticket 或 Print Capabilities 文档是否符合 Print Schema.打印模式提供了一种基于 XML 的格式,用于表达和组织大量属性,这些属性以分层结构的方式描述作业格式或打印队列的功能.PrintSchema 具有定义明确的公共框架元素和公共关键字.PTConform 读取 XML 文档并测试每个节点是否为有效的公共框架元素.在测试框架元素的有效性之后,该测试检查它是否定义了任何公共关键字元素并检查关键字是否符合 PrintSchema.
pvk2pfx.exe - 用于从 代码签名 生成 .pfx 文件的工具来自授权 CA 的证书用于应用程序.
ResGen.exe - 资源文件生成器将文本(.txt 或 .restext)文件和基于 XML 的资源格式 (.resx) 文件转换为 通用语言运行时 二进制 (.resources) 文件,可嵌入运行时二进制可执行文件或编译到附属程序集中.
sddlgen.exe - 安全描述符定义语言 (SDDL) 定义 ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptor 和 ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor 函数用于将安全描述符描述为文本字符串.该语言还定义了用于描述安全描述符组件中信息的字符串元素.我将在这里进行一些猜测,并说这个工具是为此目的的生成器.有关 SDDL 的更多信息,请查看链接.
SecUtil.exe - 此工具提取强名称信息或 X.509 证书的公钥 来自程序集并将此信息转换为可以合并到代码中的格式.
SetReg.exe - 设置注册表工具允许您更改公钥加密的注册表设置.这些称为软件发布状态密钥的密钥控制证书验证过程的行为.Setreg 完成请求的操作后,会显示 Software Publishing State Keys 的当前值.
sgen.exe - XML Serializer Generator 为指定程序集中的类型创建 XML 序列化程序集,以提高 XmlSerializer 在序列化或反序列化指定类型的对象时的启动性能.
signtool.exe - 签名工具是一个命令行工具,用于对文件进行数字签名、验证文件中的签名或时间戳文件.
sn.exe - StrongName 工具.允许您为您的生成强名称密钥集会,也适合签名.
SoapSuds.exe - Soapsuds 工具可帮助您编译使用称为远程处理的技术与 XML Web 服务通信的客户端应用程序.Soapsuds 执行以下功能: 它创建 XML 模式来描述在 公共语言运行时中公开的服务 组装;它创建运行时程序集以访问由 XML 架构描述的服务.架构定义可以是本地文件,也可以从 Internet 动态下载.
SqlMetal.exe - 它从 LINQ to SQL 的数据库模式构建 DBML 文件, 并且被 Visual Studio 用来做同样的事情.每次进行架构更改时,您都可以使用它来更新自动生成的上下文类.
StoreAdm.exe - 隔离存储工具列出或删除当前用户的所有现有机器存储.
SvcConfigEditor.exe - Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 服务配置编辑器允许管理员和开发人员使用图形用户界面创建和修改 WCF 服务的配置设置.使用此工具,您可以管理 WCF 绑定、行为、服务和诊断的设置,而无需直接编辑 XML 配置文件.
SvcTraceViewer.exe - Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) 服务跟踪查看器工具可帮助您分析 WCF 生成的诊断跟踪.Service Trace Viewer 提供了一种轻松合并、查看和筛选日志中的跟踪消息的方法,以便您诊断、修复和验证 WCF 服务问题.
SvcUtil.exe - ServiceModel Metadata 实用工具用于从 元数据 来自服务模型代码的文档和元数据文档.
TB3x.exe - TB3x.exe 是一个 TAPI 浏览器 - 但它现在已从 Windows SDK 中弃用.在 Wikipedia 上,有以下说法,暗示了该文件的弃用:TAPI 3.x 的一个非常显着的问题是缺乏对托管代码(.NET 环境)的支持.如 Microsoft 知识库文章 841712 中所述,Microsoft 目前没有计划直接从 .NET 编程语言支持 TAPI 3.x."
tcpanalyzer.exe - 此工具显示一个不断更新的进出您机器的所有网络连接列表.它允许您将特定连接归零并记录该连接的性能信息.它为您提供了确定网络相关延迟或可能会减慢网络连接速度的意外高流量所需的信息.
TlbExp.exe - 类型库导出器生成一个类型库,描述在公共语言运行时程序集中定义的类型.
TlbImp.exe - 类型库导入器,允许 COM 中的项目对CLR.
tracefmt.exe - Tracefmt 是一个命令行工具,用于格式化和显示来自事件跟踪日志文件 (.etl) 或实时跟踪会话的跟踪消息.Tracefmt 可以在命令提示符窗口中显示消息或将它们保存在文本文件中.Tracefmt 使用 跟踪消息格式 (TMF) 文件中的格式化指令来将二进制跟踪消息转换为人类可读的格式.您可以提供 TMF 文件或为跟踪提供程序提供图像文件,并让 Tracefmt 创建 TMF 文件.
tracepdb.exe - Tracepdb 是一个命令行工具,用于创建 跟踪消息格式 (.tmf) 文件,方法是从完整或私有 PDB 符号 使用 WPP 软件跟踪宏的 跟踪提供程序 文件.
tracewpp.exe - 内核模式驱动程序中的 WPP 软件跟踪补充和增强 WMI 事件跟踪 通过添加简化跟踪驱动程序操作的约定和机制.它是用户模式应用程序和内核模式驱动程序记录实时二进制消息的有效机制.随后可以将记录的消息转换为人类可读的驱动程序操作跟踪.
validatesd.exe - 用于确保服务描述有效.似乎旨在与 IUPnPRegistrar::RegisterDevice 方法一起使用.
VirtualSideShow.exe - Microsoft Windows 软件开发工具包包括适用于 Windows SideShow 的 Device Simulator 3.0.该模拟器是一个模拟 Windows SideShow 兼容设备的程序,该设备基于 Microsoft .NET Micro Framework 固件解决方案构建,因此 SideShow 小工具的开发人员可以在没有物理硬件的情况下测试他们的小工具.
WCA.exe - 工作流通信活动命令行实用程序用于为严格绑定的 HandleExternalEventActivity 活动和 CallExternalMethodActivity 活动从包含one or more ExternalDataExchangeService interfaces.For each method and event on each interface in the assembly, an activity is created with strongly-typed properties that correspond to the method/event parameters.These strictly-bound activities improve the design experience through strong typing and yield a small performance increase by removing the use of reflection.
WFC.exe - The workflow command-line compiler is used to compile both workflows and activities. It takes workflow markup (.xoml) and C# or Visual Basic source files, validates the workflows or activities, and generates assemblies or executables.
WiLogUtl.exe - Wilogutl assists the analysis of log files from a Windows Installer installation, and it displays suggested solutions to errors that are found in a log file.
WindowsSideShowVirtualDevice.exe - This is the device driver emulator for Windows SideShow devices (Vista Based). Windows Vista supports the ability to communicate with one or more auxiliary display devices. These auxiliary display devices can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes with varying capabilities. Many of these devices have not yet been manufactured, but should be available soon.
WinRes.exe - The Windows Forms Resource Editor, Winres, is a visual layout tool that helps localization experts localize Windows Forms user interface (UI) resources used by forms. The .resx or .resources files that are used as input to Winres can be created using a visual design environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio.
wsdl.exe - Utility to generate code for xml web service clients and xml web services using ASP.NET from WSDL contract files, XSD schemas and .discomap discovery documents. This tool can be used in conjunction with disco.exe
XamlPad.exe - A program for editing XAML files for the WPF platform. (3.5)
xsd.exe - The XML Schema Definition tool generates XML schema or common language runtime classes from XDR, XML, and XSD files, or from classes in a runtime assembly.
xsltc.exe - The XSLT compiler compiles XSLT style sheets and generates an assembly. The compiled style sheet can then be passed directly into the
method. You cannot generate signed assemblies with xsltc.
My question is simple. What do they do?
The accepted answer below is a list of the .NET SDK Tools that come in the framework.
This answer covers brief descriptions and links to all the .NET SDK tools. Please feel free to edit if you have any additional information, or know of any missing tools.
al.exe - The Assembly Linker generates a file with an assembly manifest from one or more files that are either modules or resource files. A module is a Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) file that does not have an assembly manifest. If you have one or more modules (metadata without a manifest), you can use this to create an assembly with the manifest in a separate file.
apatch.exe - Uses the Delta Compression API, and it specifically uses knowledge of PE files to improve the compression techniques. It's part of the windows installer technologies. Advantages: Smaller than releasing the new DLL; The patch is only useful if the audience has the original DLL. So you can freely release the patch without worry about piracy.
aspnet_merge.exe - The ASP.NET Merge tool enables you to combine and manage assemblies that are created by the ASP.NET Compilation tool (Aspnet compiler). The ASP.NET Merge tool works on assemblies that have been created by using ASP.NET version 2.0 or later. This enables the following: Create one assembly for the whole Web site; Create an assembly for each Web site folder, and add a prefix to the assembly name; Create a single assembly for just the Web site user interface (UI) elements, such as pages and controls.
AxImp.exe - The ActiveX Control Importer converts type definitions in a COM type library for an ActiveX control into a Windows Forms control. Windows Forms can only host Windows Forms controls — that is, classes that are derived from Control. It generates a wrapper class for an ActiveX control that can be hosted on a Windows Form. This allows you to use the same design-time support and programming methodology applicable to other Windows Forms controls.
Cert2Spc.exe - The Software Publisher Certificate Test tool creates a Software Publisher's Certificate (SPC) from one or more X.509 certificates. This is for test purposes only. You can obtain a valid SPC from a Certification Authority such as VeriSign or Thawte.
checkv4.exe - The Checkv4 utility is designed to provide you with a code porting partner; a utility that steps through your code base with you, identifies potential problems or highlights code that could benefit from IPv6-capable functions or structures, and makes recommendations. With the Checkv4 utility, the task of modifying an existing IPv4 application to support IPv6 becomes much easier
clrver.exe - Detect which versions of the .NET Framework common language runtime (CLR) are installed on a computer.
Consume.exe - This command line tool can consume system resources for a specified amount of time and is useful for reproducing errors that might be caused by resource starvation. The resources it can consume include physical memory, page file space, disk space, kernel pool, and CPU time. As an example, start Windows Task Manager (Start->Run->taskmgr.exe) and select the Performance tab. Next, open the Windows SDK CMD window (Start->All Programs->Windows SDK v6.1->CMD Shell) and enter the following "consume.exe -cpu-time -time 15". You’ll see the CPU Usage History chart(s) climb to maximum for 15 seconds.
cordbg.exe - The Runtime Debugger helps tools vendors and application developers find and fix bugs in programs that target the .NET Framework common language runtime. This tool uses the runtime Debug API to provide debugging services. Developers can examine the code to learn how to use the debugging services. Currently, you can only use Cordbg to debug managed code; there is no support for debugging unmanaged code.
CorFlags.exe - The CorFlags Conversion tool allows you to configure the CorFlags section of the header of a portable executable image. It is a utility used to change certain header properties of .NET executables. Most commonly it's used to change the processor architecture of a .NET DLL.
ctrpp.exe - The CTRPP tool is a pre-processor that parses and validates your counters manifest. The tool also generates code that you use to provide your counter data. You should use the generated code as a starting point when developing your provider instead of trying to generate this code yourself.
disco.exe - The Web Services Discovery tool discovers the URLs of XML Web services located on a Web server and saves documents related to each XML Web service on a local disk.
DUMPBIN.exe - A utility that dumps various aspects of an executable image or .obj file (imports, exports, information in the header, etc). The Microsoft COFF Binary File Dumper displays information about 32-bit Common Object File Format (COFF) binary files. You can use DUMPBIN to examine COFF object files, standard libraries of COFF objects, executable files, and dynamic-link libraries (DLLs).
ECManGen.exe - The ECManGen tool uses a GUI that guides you through creating a manifest from scratch without ever having to use XML tags.
fdbrowser.exe - The Function Discovery Browser is a utility that displays function instances on a local machine using a graphical user interface. Developers can use this tool to ensure that the function instances and metadata available on a machine match the expected results.
FUSLOGVW.exe - The Assembly Binding Log Viewer displays details for failed assembly binds. This information helps you diagnose why the .NET Framework cannot locate an assembly at run time. These failures are usually the result of an assembly deployed to the wrong location or a mismatch in version numbers or cultures.
gacutil.exe - Registers an assembly in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).
genmanifest.exe - Genmanifest is a command-line program that creates a manifest.
graphedt.exe - GraphEdit is a visual tool for building and testing filter graphs. It is provided as an executable with the DirectX SDK. With GraphEdit, you can quickly build and test filter graphs to see if they function as you expect. You can even view a filter graph created by an application running in another process.
guidgen.exe - The Guidgen Tool creates new globally unique identifiers (GUIDs). GUIDs are a Microsoft implementation of the Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) standard. These are unique, 128-bit values used to identify items uniquely.
ildasm.exe - Intermediate Language Disassembler. You can view your compiled code at the MSIL level with this tool.
isXPS.exe - The isXPS Conformance tool tests a file's conformity to the XML Paper Specification (XPS) and the Open Packaging Conventions (OPC) Specification.
lc.exe - The License Compiler reads text files that contain licensing information and produces a .licenses file that can be embedded in a common language runtime executable as a resource.
mage.exe - The Manifest Generation and Editing Tool is a command-line tool that supports the creation and editing of application and deployment manifests. This can be run from both batch scripts and other Windows-based applications, including ASP.NET applications.
mageui.exe - Supports the same functionality as the command-line tool Mage, but with a Windows-based user interface (UI). With this tool you can create, edit, and sign deployment and application manifests.
make-shell.exe - You can continue to create a separate custom shell (or minishell) using make-shell to include all the cmdlets & providers you've written. And in fact for packaging reasons you may still want to do that. Custom shells allow you to customize the environment thru startup/built-in scripts, custom types/format files and a separate authorization manager. So if you want a tightly controlled environment, you may want to stick with the custom shell.
makecert.exe - The Certificate Creation tool generates X.509 certificates for testing purposes only. It creates a public and private key pair for digital signatures and stores it in a certificate file. This tool also associates the key pair with a specified publisher's name and creates an X.509 certificate that binds a user-specified name to the public part of the key pair.
Mdbg.exe - The NET Framework Command-Line Debugger helps tools vendors and application developers find and fix bugs in programs that target the .NET Framework common language runtime. This tool uses the runtime Debug API to provide debugging services. Developers can examine the code to learn how to use the debugging services. Currently, you can use MDbg to debug only managed code; there is no support for debugging unmanaged code.
mgmtclassgen.exe - The Management Strongly Typed Class Generator tool enables you to quickly generate an early-bound managed class for a specified Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) class. The generated class simplifies the code you must write to access an instance of the WMI class
midl.exe/midlc.exe - Given an IDL file that defines one or more COM interfaces and a type library, the MIDL compiler generates the files described in the following table as the default output.
MsiCert.exe - MsiCert is a command line utility that can be used to populate the MsiDigitalSignature table and MsiDigitalCertificate table with the digital signature information of an external cabinet file. The cabinet file must by digitally signed and listed in the Media table. MsiCert uses the signer certificate information from the digitally signed cabinet and will create and add the MsiDigitalSignature and MsiDigitalCertificate tables to the database if they do not already exist.
mt.exe - The Mt file is a tool that generates signed files and catalogs. Mt requires that the file referenced in the manifest be present in the same directory as the manifest. Mt generates hashes using the CryptoAPI implementation of the Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-1). Hashes are inserted as a hexadecimal string into the tags in the manifest. The tool currently only generates SHA-1 hashes, although files in manifests may use other hashing schemes.
perflibmig.exe - Perflibv2 Migrator, used to implement or migrate perflibv2 onto a manifest file. The PerflibV2 interface is a set of methods that the client can use to enumerate performance counter metadata and query performance counter values on a server. The client can view all the counters that are installed on the system. After the client has decided which performance counters are of interest, it can open a query on the server and add the necessary counters. The client then queries these counters, upon which the server returns the values of the counters that are specified by the client. The client closes the query on the server once it has queried the counters for the necessary duration.
PermCalc.exe - The Minimum Grant Set Determination tool is used to estimate the permissions callers must be granted to access the public entry points of an assembly. This tool is new in the .NET Framework version 2.0. It is intended for use by advanced users.
PEVerify.exe - The PEVerify tool helps developers who generate Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) (such as compiler writers, script engine developers, and so on) to determine whether their MSIL code and associated metadata meet type safety requirements. Some compilers generate verifiably type-safe code only if you avoid using certain language constructs. If, as a developer, you are using such a compiler, you may want to verify that you have not compromised the type safety of your code. In this situation, you can run the PEVerify tool on your files to check the MSIL and metadata.
ptconform.exe - Validates a Print Ticket or Print Capabilities document for conformance to the Print Schema. The Print Schema provides an XML-based format for expressing and organizing a large set of properties that describe either a job format or capabilities of a print queue in a hierarchically structured manner. The PrintSchema has well-defined public framework elements and public keywords. PTConform reads through an XML document and tests each node to be a valid public framework element. After testing for validity of the framework element, this test checks to see if it defines any public keyword element and checks for the keyword to conform to the PrintSchema.
pvk2pfx.exe - Tool used to be able to generate .pfx files from Code Signing certificates from authorized CA's to be used in applications.
ResGen.exe - The Resource File Generator converts text (.txt or .restext) files and XML-based resource format (.resx) files to common language runtime binary (.resources) files that can be embedded in a runtime binary executable or compiled into satellite assemblies.
sddlgen.exe - The security descriptor definition language (SDDL) defines the string format that the ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptor and ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor functions use to describe a security descriptor as a text string. The language also defines string elements for describing information in the components of a security descriptor. I am going to give a little guess here and say this tool is a generator for this purpose. Please check the link for more information on SDDL.
SecUtil.exe - This tool extracts strong name information or the public key for an X.509 certificate from an assembly and converts this information into a format that can be incorporated into code.
SetReg.exe - The Set Registry tool allows you to change the registry settings for public key cryptography. These keys, called the Software Publishing State Keys, control the behavior of the certificate verification process. After Setreg completes the requested action, it displays the current values of the Software Publishing State Keys.
sgen.exe - The XML Serializer Generator creates an XML serialization assembly for types in a specified assembly in order to improve the startup performance of a XmlSerializer when it serializes or deserializes objects of the specified types.
signtool.exe - The Sign Tool is a command-line tool that digitally signs files, verifies signatures in files, or time stamps files.
sn.exe - StrongName tool. Allowing you to generate Strong Name keys for your assemblies, also catering for signatures.
SoapSuds.exe - The Soapsuds tool helps you compile client applications that communicate with XML Web services using a technique called remoting. Soapsuds performs the following functions: It creates XML schemas that describe services that are exposed in a common language runtime assembly; It creates runtime assemblies to access services that are described by XML schemas. A schema definition can be a local file or it can be dynamically downloaded from the Internet.
SqlMetal.exe - It builds a DBML file from a database schema for LINQ to SQL, and is used by Visual Studio to do the same. You use it to update your auto-generated context classes each time a schema change is made.
StoreAdm.exe - The Isolated Storage tool lists or removes all existing machine stores for the current user.
SvcConfigEditor.exe - The Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Service Configuration Editor allows administrators and developers to create and modify configuration settings for WCF services using a graphical user interface. With this tool, you can manage settings for WCF bindings, behaviors, services, and diagnostics without having to directly edit XML configuration files.
SvcTraceViewer.exe - Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Service Trace Viewer Tool helps you analyze diagnostic traces that are generated by WCF. Service Trace Viewer provides a way to easily merge, view, and filter trace messages in the log so that you can diagnose, repair, and verify WCF service issues.
SvcUtil.exe - The ServiceModel Metadata Utility tool is used to generate service model code from metadata documents and metadata documents from service model code.
TB3x.exe - TB3x.exe is a TAPI browser - but it is now deprecated from the Windows SDK. On Wikipedia, the following was said, giving a hint toward the deprecation of the file: "One very notable issue with TAPI 3.x is the lack of support for managed code (.NET environment). As documented in Microsoft KB Article 841712, Microsoft currently has no plans to support TAPI 3.x directly from .NET programming languages."
tcpanalyzer.exe - This tool displays a constantly updating list of all network connections in and out of your machine. It allows you to zero in on a particular connection and log performance information for that connection. It gives you the information needed to pin down network related delays or unexpected high traffic that might be slowing the network connection.
TlbExp.exe - The Type Library Exporter generates a type library that describes the types defined in a common language runtime assembly.
TlbImp.exe - Type library importer, allowing for items in COM to be visible to the CLR.
tracefmt.exe - Tracefmt is a command-line tool that formats and displays trace messages from an event trace log file (.etl) or a real-time trace session. Tracefmt can display the messages in the Command Prompt window or save them in a text file. Tracefmt uses the formatting instructions in a trace message format (TMF) file to convert the binary trace messages to human-readable format. You can provide a TMF file or provide the image file for the trace provider and have Tracefmt create a TMF file.
tracepdb.exe - Tracepdb is a command-line tool that creates trace message format (.tmf) files by extracting trace message formatting instructions from the full or private PDB symbol file for a trace provider that uses WPP software tracing macros.
tracewpp.exe - WPP software tracing in kernel-mode drivers supplements and enhances WMI event tracing by adding conventions and mechanisms that simplify tracing a driver's operation. It is an efficient mechanism for user-mode applications and kernel-mode drivers to log real-time binary messages. The logged messages can subsequently be converted to a human-readable trace of the driver's operation.
validatesd.exe - Used to ensure that service descriptions are valid. Seems to be intended for use with the IUPnPRegistrar::RegisterDevice Method.
VirtualSideShow.exe - The Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit includes the Device Simulator 3.0 for Windows SideShow. This simulator is a program that simulates a Windows SideShow–compatible device built on the Microsoft .NET Micro Framework firmware solution, so that developers of gadgets for SideShow can test their gadgets without physical hardware.
WCA.exe - The workflow communication activity command-line utility is used to generate code files for the strictly-bound HandleExternalEventActivity activity and CallExternalMethodActivity activity derived classes from an input assembly that contains one or more ExternalDataExchangeService interfaces. For each method and event on each interface in the assembly, an activity is created with strongly-typed properties that correspond to the method/event parameters. These strictly-bound activities improve the design experience through strong typing and yield a small performance increase by removing the use of reflection.
WFC.exe - The workflow command-line compiler is used to compile both workflows and activities. It takes workflow markup (.xoml) and C# or Visual Basic source files, validates the workflows or activities, and generates assemblies or executables.
WiLogUtl.exe - Wilogutl assists the analysis of log files from a Windows Installer installation, and it displays suggested solutions to errors that are found in a log file.
WindowsSideShowVirtualDevice.exe - This is the device driver emulator for Windows SideShow devices (Vista Based). Windows Vista supports the ability to communicate with one or more auxiliary display devices. These auxiliary display devices can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes with varying capabilities. Many of these devices have not yet been manufactured, but should be available soon.
WinRes.exe - The Windows Forms Resource Editor, Winres, is a visual layout tool that helps localization experts localize Windows Forms user interface (UI) resources used by forms. The .resx or .resources files that are used as input to Winres can be created using a visual design environment such as Microsoft Visual Studio.
wsdl.exe - Utility to generate code for xml web service clients and xml web services using ASP.NET from WSDL contract files, XSD schemas and .discomap discovery documents. This tool can be used in conjunction with disco.exe
XamlPad.exe - A program for editing XAML files for the WPF platform. (3.5)
xsd.exe - The XML Schema Definition tool generates XML schema or common language runtime classes from XDR, XML, and XSD files, or from classes in a runtime assembly.
xsltc.exe - The XSLT compiler compiles XSLT style sheets and generates an assembly. The compiled style sheet can then be passed directly into the
method. You cannot generate signed assemblies with xsltc.
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本文标题为:.NET 2.0 SDK 程序 - 每个工具的作用是什么?


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