Is there a way to know if someone has bookmarked your website?(有没有办法知道是否有人为您的网站添加了书签?)
I want to make stats for my website. One thing I want to do is to know how many people bookmark my website. What's the best way to do that without a survey?
最好的办法是拥有一个 Javascript给我们添加书签"链接,该链接可以为网站添加书签,并对后端脚本进行 AJAX 调用以存储有关新书签的信息在你的数据库中.这不会捕捉到直接使用浏览器为您的网站添加书签的人,但它会让您对网站的粘性有所了解.
Your best bet is to have a Javascript "Bookmark us" link that bookmarks the site and makes an AJAX call to a backend script to store info about a new bookmark in your db. This won't catch people who bookmark your site directly using their browser, but it will give you some idea about the stickiness of your site.

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