How to return a Stream from a method, knowing it should be disposed?(如何从方法返回 Stream,知道它应该被处理?)
我有一个将 FileStream 作为输入的方法.此方法在 for 循环内运行.
I have a method that takes FileStream as input. This method is running inside a for loop.
private void UploadFile(FileStream fileStream)
var stream = GetFileStream();
// do things with stream
我有另一种方法可以创建并返回 FileStream:
I have another method which creates and returns the FileStream:
private FileStream GetFileStream()
using(FileStream fileStream = File.Open(myFile, FileMode.Open))
//Do something
return fileStream;
现在,当我尝试访问返回的 FileStream 时,第一个方法抛出一个 ObjectDisposedException
Now the first method throws an ObjectDisposedException
when I try to access the returned FileStream, probably because it is already closed since I am using "using
" to properly dispose the stream.
如果我不使用using"而是按如下方式使用它,则 FileStream 保持打开状态,并且循环的下一次迭代(对同一文件进行操作)会抛出一个异常,告知该文件已在使用中:
If I don't use "using" and instead use it as follows, then the FileStream remains open and the next iteration of the loop (operating on the same file) throws an exception telling the file is already in use:
private FileStream GetFileStream()
FileStream fileStream = File.Open(myFile, FileMode.Open);
//Do something
return fileStream;
如果我使用 try-finally 块,在其中关闭 finally
中的流,那么它也会抛出 ObjectDisposedException
If I use a try-finally block, where I close the stream in the finally
then it also throws the ObjectDisposedException
How to effectively return file stream and close it?
当您从方法返回 IDisposable
时,您将处理它的责任交给了调用者.因此,您需要在整个流的使用范围内声明您的 using
块,在您的情况下,这可能跨越了 UploadFile
When you return an IDisposable
from a method, you are relegating the responsibility of disposing it to your caller. Thus, you need to declare your using
block around the entire usage of the stream, which in your case presumably spans the UploadFile
using (var s = GetFileStream())
这篇关于如何从方法返回 Stream,知道它应该被处理?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:如何从方法返回 Stream,知道它应该被处理?

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