Not marked as serializable error when serializing a class(序列化类时未标记为可序列化错误)
我正在使用以下代码使用 BinaryFormatter
I am serializing an structure by using BinaryFormatter
using this code:
private void SerializeObject(string filename, SerializableStructure objectToSerialize)
Stream stream = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Create);
BinaryFormatter bFormatter = new BinaryFormatter();
bFormatter.Serialize(stream, objectToSerialize);
哪个 objectToSerialize
Which objectToSerialize
is my structure, I'm calling this function like this:
SerializableStructure s = new SerializableStructure();
s.NN = NN;
s.SubNNs = SubNNs;
s.inputs = inputs;
SerializeObject(Application.StartupPath + "\Save\" + txtSave.Text + ".bin", s);
和 NN
和输入是可序列化的.(输入包含一些 Points
Which SerializableStructure
, and Type of NN
, SubNNs
and inputs are serializable. (inputs contains some Points
, Rectangles
and generic lists).
Now, When I run my code, I am given this error:
程序集中的类型MainProject.Main"MainProject, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"未标记为可序列化.
Type 'MainProject.Main' in Assembly 'MainProject, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' is not marked as serializable.
为什么我会收到这个错误?Main 是我的表单,这些变量位于我的表单中.
Why I'm given this error? Main is my form, and these variables are located in my form.
我已经使用 MemoryStream
和 VB.NET 成功序列化了 NN
I have successfully serialized Type of NN
with MemoryStream
and VB.NET , But I don't know why I'm getting this error?
public class SerializableStructure
public List<Inputs> inputs = new List<Inputs>();
public NeuralNetwork NN;
public NeuralNetwork[] SubNNs;
public class Inputs
public string XPath { get; set; }
public string YPath { get; set; }
public string ImagePath { get; set; }
public string CharName { get; set; }
public string CharBaseName { get; set; }
public List<double> x { get; set; }
public List<double> y { get; set; }
public List<double> DotsX { get; set; }
public List<double> DotsY { get; set; }
public List<Point> GravityCenters { get; set; }
public List<Rectangle> Bounds { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return CharName;
public Inputs(string xPath, string yPath, string imagePath, string charName, string charBaseName)
XPath = xPath;
YPath = yPath;
ImagePath = imagePath;
CharName = charName;
CharBaseName = charBaseName;
x = new List<double>();
y = new List<double>();
GravityCenters = new List<Point>();
Bounds = new List<Rectangle>();
还有 NN
Also NN
is very big structure(!).
这几乎总是意味着您的对象模型中的某处有一个事件(或其他委托 - 可能是回调),它正试图被序列化.将 [NonSerialized] 添加到任何事件支持字段.如果您使用的是类似字段的事件(最有可能的类型),这是:
This almost alwas means you have an event (or other delegate - maybe a callback) somewhere in your object model, that is trying to be serialized. Add [NonSerialized] to any event-backing fields. If you are using a field-like event (the most likely kind), this is:
public event SomeDelegateType SomeEventName;
或者:大多数其他序列化程序不查看事件/委托,并提供更好的版本兼容性.切换到 XmlSerializer、JavaScriptSerializer、DataContractSerializer 或 protobuf-net(仅 4 个示例)也可以通过不尝试这样做的简单方法来解决此问题(您几乎从不打算将事件视为 DTO 的一部分).
Alternatively: most other serializers don't look at events/delegates, and provide better version-compatibility. Switching to XmlSerializer, JavaScriptSerializer, DataContractSerializer or protobuf-net (just 4 examples) would also solve this by the simple approach of not trying to do this (you almost never intend for events to be considered as part of a DTO).

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