YouTube 收藏夹数量

YouTube number of favourites(YouTube 收藏夹数量)

本文介绍了YouTube 收藏夹数量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 YouTube API 工作/玩 :).我可以使用 GetFavoriteFeed() 为每个用户获取他们最喜欢的视频,但是有可能获得相反的选项吗?我的意思是从视频中获得多少次被标记为收藏?实际上,当您在视频上单击收藏夹时,如果您查看视频的统计信息(YouTube 网页),收藏夹点中总是有一个 0 :S谢谢!!

I am working/playing :) with the YouTube API. I can get for each user their favourites videos, using GetFavoriteFeed(), but It is possible to get the inverse option? I mean get from a video how many times has been marked as a favourite? In fact, when you click favourite on a video then if you see the statistics of the video (YouTube webpage), in favourites point there is always a 0 :S Thx!!


它应该在给定视频的 yt:statisticsfavoriteCount 属性中返回,但是是的,我看到的所有视频也只能返回 0.

It's supposed to be returned in the favoriteCount attribute of yt:statistics for a given video, but yeah, I'm only getting back 0 for all the videos I look at as well.

这可能是由于 YouTube 停止公开提供该信息,因此它不再显示在网页上或通过 API 显示.如果是这种情况,我会请技术作者获取 API 的 文档 更新以反映这一点.

It might be the the YouTube stopped making that information publicly available, and as a result it's no longer displayed on the webpage or via the API. If that's the case, I'll ask the technical writers to get the documentation for the API updated to reflect that.

这篇关于YouTube 收藏夹数量的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:YouTube 收藏夹数量
