
c# event handler is called multiple times when event is raised once(c#事件处理程序在一次引发事件时被多次调用)



下面是我的代码,第一部分是我引发事件的地方,第二部分是我在另一个类中使用它的地方.看起来很简单,但日志显示即使事件被引发一次,事件在使用该事件的类上触发了 20 多次.有什么想法吗?

Below is my code, first is where I raise the event and second section is where I consume it in another class. It seems pretty straight forward, but the logs are showing that even though the event is raised once, the event is firing 20+ times on the class that consumes this event. Any ideas?

IBSerialPort 类:

public delegate void PacketReceivedHandler(object sender, PacketReceivedEventArgs e);
public event PacketReceivedHandler OnPacketReceived;

public class PacketReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs
  public Packet PacketReceived { get; private set; }

  public PacketReceivedEventArgs(Packet packet)
    PacketReceived = packet;

// raise event
if (OnPacketReceived != null)
    Log("This is only called ONCE!");
    PacketReceivedEventArgs args = new PacketReceivedEventArgs(data);
    OnPacketReceived(this, args);

使用 IBSerialPort 并使用其 OnPacketReceived 事件的类:

Class that uses IBSerialPort and consumes its OnPacketReceived Event:

IBSerialPort ibSerialPort = null;
if (ibSerialPort == null)
  Log("This is only called once");

  ibSerialPort = IBSerialPort.Instance;

  ibSerialPort.OnPacketReceived += ibSerialPort_OnPacketReceived;

void ibSerialPort_OnPacketReceived(object sender, IBSerialPort.PacketReceivedEventArgs args)
   Log("This is called ~25 times!!!!");


试试这个,这将取消注册任何 prev 订阅者:

Try this, this will unregister any prev subscriber:

ibSerialPort.OnPacketReceived -= ibSerialPort_OnPacketReceived;   // unregister
ibSerialPort.OnPacketReceived += ibSerialPort_OnPacketReceived;  //register


