
Scope of variables in a delegate(委托中的变量范围)




I found the following rather strange. Then again, I have mostly used closures in dynamic languages which shouldn't be suspectable to the same "bug". The following makes the compiler unhappy:

VoidFunction t = delegate { int i = 0; };

int i = 1;



A local variable named 'i' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to 'i', which is already used in a 'child' scope to denote something else

所以这基本上意味着在委托中声明的变量将具有在其中声明的函数的范围.这并不完全是我所期望的.我什至没有尝试调用该函数.至少 Common Lisp 有一个特性,你说一个变量应该有一个动态名称,如果你真的希望它是本地的.这在创建不泄漏的宏时尤其重要,但类似的东西在这里也很有帮助.

So this basically means that variables declared inside a delegate will have the scope of the function declared in. Not exactly what I would have expected. I havn't even tried to call the function. At least Common Lisp has a feature where you say that a variable should have a dynamic name, if you really want it to be local. This is particularly important when creating macros that do not leak, but something like that would be helpful here as well.


So I'm wondering what other people do to work around this issue?


To clarify I'm looking for a solution where the variables I declare in the delegete doesn't interfere with variables declared after the delegate. And I want to still be able to capture variables declared before the delegate.


必须是这样才能允许匿名方法(和 lambdas)使用包含方法中的局部变量和参数.

It has to be that way to allow anonymous methods (and lambdas) to use local variables and parameters scoped in the containing method.


The workarounds are to either use different names for the variable, or create an ordinary method.


