How does delegate.Invoke work?(delegate.Invoke 是如何工作的?)
If I create a delegate in my code like :
delegate void dostuff (string o);
这会生成一个派生自 System.MulticastDelegate
的类,该类实现了三个方法 - Invoke
和 EndInvoke
This generates a class that derives from System.MulticastDelegate
which implements three methods - Invoke
, BeginInvoke
and EndInvoke
如果我查看为 Invoke
编译的 IL,我看到的是:
If I look at the compiled IL for Invoke
all I see is :
.method public hidebysig newslot virtual
instance void Invoke(string o) runtime managed
} // end of method dostuff::Invoke
该方法不包含代码.调用它确实有效 - 委托被调用,但我看不到它是如何做到的.
The method contains no code. Calling it does work - the delegate gets invoked, but I can't see how it does it.
使调用 Invoke 实际调用委托的巫毒从何而来?
Where does the voodoo that makes calling Invoke actually call the delegate come from?
voodoo 可以在签名的末尾找到:runtime managed
.请注意,您定义的所有托管类和方法都将被修饰为 cli managed
The voodoo can be found at the end of the signature: runtime managed
. Notice that all of your managed classes and methods that you define will be decorated as cli managed
runtime managed
runtime managed
means that the runtime provides pre-optimized implementations of the methods.
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本文标题为:delegate.Invoke 是如何工作的?
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