偏移量 258 处的请求 BLR 无效,未定义函数 HASHMD5?

Invalid request BLR at offset 258 , function HASHMD5 is not defined?(偏移量 258 处的请求 BLR 无效,未定义函数 HASHMD5?)

本文介绍了偏移量 258 处的请求 BLR 无效,未定义函数 HASHMD5?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用带有 c# 的 Firebird 2_5 数据库,在将数据插入 Firebird 数据库时出现此错误,请问如何解决此问题?

I am using Firebird 2_5 database with c#, at inserting data into Firebird databse i have this error please how to solve this r?

"FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdCliente.FbException (0x80004005):invalid request BLR at offset 258
function HASHMD5 is not defined
No message for error code 335544932 found"



Firebird 本身并没有一个名为 HASHMD5 的函数.Firebird 还具有 UDF(用户定义的函数),允许您添加函数(在 Firebird 应用程序的搜索路径上具有库,并在数据库中定义).

Firebird itself does not have a function called HASHMD5. Firebird also has UDFs (user defined functions) which allow you to add functions (with a library on the search path of the Firebird application, and a definition in the database).

错误消息表明您的数据库定义了一个名为 HASHMD5 的 UDF(并在存储过程、触发器或计算字段中使用),但 Firebird 无法访问 UDF 库.原因可能是它不在服务器上,或者 Firebird 的配置不允许访问 UDF 库,或者 UDF 库是 32 位的,而 Firebird 是 64 位的(反之亦然).

The error message indicates that your database has a UDF called HASHMD5 defined (and used in a stored procedure, trigger or computed field), but the UDF library is not accessible to Firebird. Reasons might be that it is not on the server, or that the configuration of Firebird disallows access to the UDF library, or the UDF library is 32 bit while Firebird is 64 bit (or vice versa).

默认情况下,UDF 位于 firebird 安装的 udf 文件夹中.

By default UDFs are located in the udf folder in the firebird installation.

搜索firebird udf hashmd5"不会返回任何相关结果,这表明这不是公开可用的 UDF,因此很可能特定于您的公司或您正在使用的应用程序.

Searching for "firebird udf hashmd5" does not return any relevant results, which suggests that this is not a publicly available UDF and therefor most likely is specific to your company or to the application you are using.

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本文标题为:偏移量 258 处的请求 BLR 无效,未定义函数 HASHMD5?
