Parameter Actionlt;T1, T2, T3gt; in which T3 can be optional(参数动作lt;T1,T2,T3gt;其中 T3 可以是可选的)
public static MyMethod()
...Do something
ProtectedMethod(param1, param2);
...Do something
protected static void ProtectedMethod(IEnumerable<string> param1, string param2, int param3 = 1)
... Do something
注意可选的 param3 参数.
现在由于很多原因,我需要将 MyMethod 方法的代码提取到它自己的类中,但我不能用它提取 ProtectedMethod,因为所有类都继承自这个类,我需要保持较小的更改并且孤立.所以我想我可以在新类中有一个 Action<> 委托,其签名与 ProtectedMethod 相同.
Now for quite a few reasons I need to extract the code of the MyMethod method into its own class but I cannot extract ProtectedMethod with it because of all the classes that are inheriting from this one and I need to keep the changes small and isolated. So I figured I could have an Action<> delegate in the new class with the same signature as ProtectedMethod.
The problem is that if I declare the delegate like this:
protected readonly Action<IEnumerable<string>, string, int> m_ProtectedMethod;
The extracted code does not like it because it says the method is only being invoked with two parameters.
protected readonly Action<IEnumerable<string>, string> m_ProtectedMethod;
When I send it as a parameter to the new class it does not like it either because the method is defined as having three parameters not two.
到目前为止,我想到的解决此问题的唯一方法是创建 ProtectedMethod 的重载版本以消除可选参数.
So far the only way I have thought of to solve this is to create an overloaded version of ProtectedMethod to eliminate the optional parameter.
Is this the only option or is there another way of doing it since now the preferred choice is to have optional parameters instead of overloaded methods?
Optional parameters are an attribute of a method or delegate parameter. When you call a signature (method or delegate) that has a known optional parameter at compile-time, the compiler will insert the optional parameter value at the callsite.
The runtime is not aware of optional parameters, so you can't make a delegate that inserts an optional parameter when it's called.
Instead, you need to declare a custom delegate type with an optional parameter:
public delegate void MyDelegate(IEnumerable<string> param1, string param2, int param3 = 1);
When calling this delegate, you will be able to omit the third parameter, regardless of the declaration of the method(s) it contains.
这篇关于参数动作<T1,T2,T3>其中 T3 可以是可选的的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:参数动作<T1,T2,T3>其中 T3 可以是可选的

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