使用委托会减慢我的 .NET 程序的速度吗?

Does using delegates slow down my .NET programs?(使用委托会减慢我的 .NET 程序的速度吗?)

本文介绍了使用委托会减慢我的 .NET 程序的速度吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



Does using delegates slow down my programs?

我一直在避开它们,因为我真的不知道它们是否会使我的程序变慢.我知道我是否会导致(捕获)异常,这会占用大量 CPU 资源,但我不知道委托和事件以及 .NET 对它们做了什么.

I've been avoiding them because I really have no clue if they make my programs any slower. I know if I cause a (catch) exception, that uses quite a bit of CPU power but I don't know about Delegates and Events and what .NET does to them.



Delegates are very, very fast. Not quite as fast as direct method calls, but not far off. The chances of them becoming a bottleneck are miniscule.


(Likewise exceptions, when used properly, rarely actually cause a performance issue.)


Would using delegates make your code simpler, more readable, and more robust? If so, use them. Measure your performance carefully, and keep an eye on it. Move away from readability for the sake of performance only when the data is clear.


I'm sure there are some graphs around showing the speed of delegates vs interfaces vs non-virtual method calls etc - I don't know where they are, but you could always run tests yourself if you're really worried.

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本文标题为:使用委托会减慢我的 .NET 程序的速度吗?
