Azure Functions 中的 HttpClient 最佳实践

HttpClient best practices in Azure Functions(Azure Functions 中的 HttpClient 最佳实践)

本文介绍了Azure Functions 中的 HttpClient 最佳实践的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要构建一个 Azure 函数:

I need to build an Azure Function that:

  • 响应 HTTP POST 请求
  • 根据数据执行 7 次 HTTP HEAD 请求.
  • Responds to a HTTP POST request
  • Does 7x HTTP HEAD requests based on the data.



But, it's not entirely clear what to do, and how it works?

与第二个链接一样,我目前刚刚声明了一个 private static HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); 实例,并在我的 7x HTTP HEAD 调用中重新使用了它.

As in the second link, i've currently just declared a private static HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); instance, and re-used that in my 7x HTTP HEAD calls.


  1. 这是在无状态 Azure 函数中最有效地使用 HttpClient 吗?
  2. 我目前正在为 http 调用构建一个 List(),然后对它们执行 Task.WhenAll(tasks) 以在其中运行它们平行.这会是打这些电话的最快方法吗?还有其他建议吗?
  1. Is that the most efficient use of HttpClient in a stateless Azure function?
  2. I'm currently just building up a List<Task>() for the http calls, then doing Task.WhenAll(tasks) on them to run them in parrallel. Would that be the quickest way to do these calls? Any other suggestions?

这个 Function 端点会被大量调用(每秒多次),因此需要尽可能高效以降低成本.

This Function endpoint will be called a lot (multiple times a second), so need to be as efficient as possible to keep costs down.



是的 - 这仍然是 Azure Functions 1.x(也适用于 2.x)的当前指南,以最好地避免套接字耗尽.静态变量将确保它将与类的所有实例共享.涵盖此主题的另一篇好文章是错误

Yes - this is still the current guidance for Azure Functions 1.x (and applies to 2.x as well) to best avoid socket exhaustion. The static variable will ensures that it will be shared against all instances of the class. Another good article that covers this topic is

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本文标题为:Azure Functions 中的 HttpClient 最佳实践
