在.net 中编译成.exe 的评论?

comments compiled into .exe in .net?(在.net 中编译成.exe 的评论?)

本文介绍了在.net 中编译成.exe 的评论?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我知道您可以使用 .net 反射器来查看使用 .net 创建的代码,但如果我在评论中添加了一些内容以供我个人提醒,那也是在 exe 中编译的.

I know you can use a .net reflector to view code created with .net but if I put something in the comments for my own personal reminder is that compiled in the exe as well.

我不打算发布我的应用程序的源代码,而且我知道 100% 安全的赌注是删除我不想删除的所有内容,但我只是想知道是否有人可以对我的评论进行逆向工程.

I don't intend to release the source code for my application and i know the 100% safe bet is to just remove everything I don't want out but I was just wondering if someone could reverse engineer my comments.



Comments are ignored by the compiler. They will not be put into the output executable.

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本文标题为:在.net 中编译成.exe 的评论?
