ASP.NET 中模式弹出窗口的最佳选择?

Best option for modal popup window in ASP.NET?(ASP.NET 中模式弹出窗口的最佳选择?)

本文介绍了ASP.NET 中模式弹出窗口的最佳选择?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



This question was asked a few years ago, so I'm going to ask it again.

我正在寻找在 ASP Button 控件的单击事件时显示模式弹出窗口的最佳/最干净的选项.窗口的内容将是一个 aspx 页面.

I'm looking for the best/cleanest option to display a modal popup window upon the click event of an ASP Button control. The contents of the window will be an aspx page.


Cross-browser compatibility is a requirement

jquery/plugins 如果它们适合模具,则不是不可能的.

jquery/plugins aren't out of the question if they fit the mold.


jQuery 字段中有很多选项:

There are a host of options in the jQuery field:

jQueryUI 的 对话框

jQueryUI's dialog

Wijmo 的 对话框


这些只是众多选项中的三个.jQueryUI 很容易开箱即用,但不像 SimpleModal 那样可定制(或容易)和漂亮".从本质上讲,它们几乎都非常相似.

These are just three options out of many. jQueryUI is pretty easy to use out of the box, but isn't as customizable (or easy to) and "pretty" as SimpleModal. At their core, their pretty much all very similar.

如果您已经在使用 jQuery,那么 jQueryUI 的选项可能是一个不错的选择.Wijmo 也是 jQueryUI 兼容/友好的(使用相同的主题 CSS 类名和模式),所以它也很合适.

If you'd already using jQuery, jQueryUI's option may be a good fit. Wijmo is also jQueryUI compatible/friendly (use the same theme CSS class names and patterns), so it's also a good fit.

所以这有点取决于你想要什么.一些非常简单的东西——也许是 jQueryUI.华丽/漂亮——SimpleModal.更复杂但对 jQueryUI 友好 - Wijmo.

So it kind of depends on what you want. Something very simple - maybe jQueryUI. Flashy/pretty -- SimpleModal. More complex but jQueryUI-friendly - Wijmo.

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本文标题为:ASP.NET 中模式弹出窗口的最佳选择?
