Why only literal strings saved in the intern pool by default?(为什么默认情况下只保存在实习生池中的文字字符串?)
Why by default only literal strings are saved in the intern pool?
示例来自 MSDN:
String s1 = "MyTest";
String s2 = new StringBuilder().Append("My").Append("Test").ToString();
String s3 = String.Intern(s2);
Console.WriteLine("s1 == '{0}'", s1);
Console.WriteLine("s2 == '{0}'", s2);
Console.WriteLine("s3 == '{0}'", s3);
Console.WriteLine("Is s2 the same reference as s1?: {0}", (Object)s2==(Object)s1);
Console.WriteLine("Is s3 the same reference as s1?: {0}", (Object)s3==(Object)s1);
This example produces the following results:
s1 == 'MyTest'
s2 == 'MyTest'
s3 == 'MyTest'
Is s2 the same reference as s1?: False
Is s3 the same reference as s1?: True
The short answer: interning literal strings is cheap at runtime and saves memory. Interning non-literal strings is expensive at runtime and therefore saves a tiny amount of memory in exchange for making the common cases much slower.
The cost of the interning-strings-at-runtime "optimization" does not pay for the benefit, and is therefore not actually an optimization. The cost of interning literal strings is cheap and therefore does pay for the benefit.
I answer your question in more detail here:
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