
How can I rotate a rectangle using a matrix and get the modified rectangle?(如何使用矩阵旋转矩形并获得修改后的矩形?)



我已经搜索了矩形旋转的所有链接,但似乎没有任何问题适用于我的问题.我有一个 RectangleF 结构并希望将其输入到旋转矩阵中.然后使用生成的 RectangleF 传递给其他函数.

I have searched all the links for rectangle rotation, but nothing seems to apply to my problem. I have a RectangleF structure and wish to feed it into a rotation matrix. Then use resulting RectangleF to pass into some other function.


The reason for wanting to use a matrix is because I may also want to perform a translation, and then perhaps a scale afterwards and pass the resultant rectangle into some other function, e.g.

RectangleF original = new RectangleF(0,0, 100, 100);
Matrix m = new Matrix();
m.Translate(10, 20);

....   (what do I do here ?)

RectangleF modified = (How/where do I get the result?)



How can I achieve this ?


I don't want to draw this rectangle on a screen or anything else. I just need the values, but all examples I have read use the graphics class to do the transform and draw which is not what I want.



System.Drawing.Rectangle 结构总是正交的,不能有旋转.你只能旋转它的角点.

The System.Drawing.Rectangle structure is always orthogonal and cannot have a rotation. You can only rotate its corner points.

这是一个使用 Matrix 执行此操作的示例:

Here is an example of doing this with a Matrix:

Matrix M = new Matrix();

// just a rectangle for testing..
Rectangle R = panel1.ClientRectangle;

// create an array of all corner points:
var p = new PointF[] {
    new PointF(R.Right, R.Top),
    new PointF(R.Right, R.Bottom),
    new PointF(R.Left, R.Bottom) };

// rotate by 15° around the center point:
M.RotateAt(15, new PointF(R.X + R.Width / 2, R.Top + R.Height / 2));

// just a quick (and dirty!) test:
using (Graphics g = panel1.CreateGraphics())
    g.DrawRectangle(Pens.LightBlue, R);
    g.DrawPolygon(Pens.DarkGoldenrod, p );

诀窍是创建一个 PointPointF 数组,其中包含您感兴趣的所有点,这里是四个角;然后,Matrix 可以根据您要求的各种事物转换这些点,围绕一个点进行 rotation 就是其中之一.其他包括缩放剪切平移..

The trick is to create an array of Point or PointF containg all points you are interested in, here the four corners; the Matrix can then transform those points according to all sorts of things you asked for, rotation around a point being one of them. Others include scaling, shearing and translating..


如果您反复需要此功能,您将需要创建将 Rectangle 转换为 Point[] 并返回的函数.

If you need this repeatedly you will want to create function to convert Rectangle to Point[] and back.

注意,如上所述,后者实际上是不可能的,因为 Rectangle 总是正交的,即不能旋转,所以你将不得不去角点.或者从 System.Windows 命名空间切换到 Rect 类,正如 Quergo 在他的帖子中显示的那样.

Note, as pointed out above, that the latter is not really possible, as Rectangle will always be orthogonal, i.e. cannot be rotated, so you will have to go for the corner points. Or switch to the Rect class from the System.Windows namespace as Quergo shows in his post.


