错误:无法连接到任何指定的 MySQL 主机 - Synology NAS - MariaDB 10 - C#

ERROR: Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts - Synology NAS - MariaDB 10 - C#(错误:无法连接到任何指定的 MySQL 主机 - Synology NAS - MariaDB 10 - C#)

本文介绍了错误:无法连接到任何指定的 MySQL 主机 - Synology NAS - MariaDB 10 - C#的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在使用 MariaDB 10 将 Visual Studio 2019 中的 C# 应用程序连接到 Snyology NAS 中的数据库时遇到问题.如果我使用 HeidiSQL 连接数据库效果很好,但如果我尝试使用相同的凭据连接 C# 应用程序,我会看到像这样的错误:

I have a problem to connect my C# application in Visual Studio 2019 to Database inside Snyology NAS using MariaDB 10. If I connected the Database with HeidiSQL works good, but if I try to connect C# App with the same credentials I see an error like this:

无法连接到任何指定的 MySQL 主机"

"Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts"


  • 在 Synology NAS 上启用 TCP 功能
  • 用户名和密码正确,我拥有所有权限
  • 数据库名称正确
  • 端口也是正确的 3307(在 Synology 上设置默认)


This is the code that I use to check the connection:

string connectionString = "";
string server = "ip_address_NAS:3307";
string database = "my_Database";
string username = "my_user";
string password = "my_password";

MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection cn;

connectionString = "SERVER=" + server + ";DATABASE=" + database + ";UID=" + username + ";PASSWORD=" + password;          

cn = new MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(connectionString);                
label1.Text = "Database ONLINE!";                
label1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;                
catch(Exception ex)            
label1.Text = "Database OFFLINE!
" + ex.Message;                
label1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;


Why this error? Can you help me? please. Thank you.



Remove the port number from the hostname. If you are connecting to the default port, there's no need to specify a port. If you are connecting to a custom port, it has to be defined in the following way




3307 不是 MySQL 或 MariaDB 的默认端口.因此,如果您的数据库在端口 3307 上运行(无论出于何种原因 Synology 选择它作为初始设置),您需要在连接字符串中指定该端口.但不是作为服务器名称的一部分,而是使用 Port=3307 属性.

3307 is not the default port for MySQL or MariaDB. So if your database is running on port 3307 (because for whatever reason Synology has chosen it to be the initial setting) you need to specify that port in the connection string. But not as part of the servername but with the Port=3307 property.

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本文标题为:错误:无法连接到任何指定的 MySQL 主机 - Synology NAS - MariaDB 10 - C#
