.NET 框架依赖项

.NET Framework dependency(.NET 框架依赖项)

本文介绍了.NET 框架依赖项的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在 .NET 中开发桌面应用程序时,是否可以不需要 .NET Framework?在 .NET 中开发软件是开发桌面应用程序的首选方式吗?软件公司用于开发桌面应用程序的最常用编程语言是什么?

When developing a desktop application in .NET, is it possible to not require the .NET Framework? Is developing software in .NET a preferred way to develop desktop applications? What is the most used programming language that software companies use to develop desktop applications?

.NET Framework 的要求是否只是根据您安装的 Windows 操作系统假设的,因此为什么要列出 Windows 操作系统版本要求?

Is the requirement of the .NET Framework just assumed based on the Windows OS you have installed hence why they list Windows OS version requirements?


您仍然可以使用 C/C++ 开发适用于 windows 桌面的应用程序,无需 .NET 框架,但您需要确保必要的库已在系统上或已安装.

You can still develop applications for the windows desktop using C/C++, eliminating the requirement to the .NET framework, but you'll need to make sure the necessary libraries are already on the system or installed.

.NET 框架的好处是 Windows XP SP2 和 Vista 默认安装了 3.0 框架运行时.

The nice thing about the .NET framework is that Windows XP SP2 and Vista has the 3.0 framework runtime installed by default.

在很多方面,这是 Microsoft 的开发标准",并且已经有一段时间了.这使您不必担心将一堆库附加到您的应用程序中.如果您坚持使用 .NET 提供的所有库,那么您最终只需要担心部署可执行文件,这是一个很大的缓解方法.当您还必须部署一堆库时,您在编写更新时就会开始遇到麻烦,因为您必须确保将这些更新推送到现有安装程序以及所有现有安装的应用程序中.

In a lot of ways, this is Microsoft's "development standard" and has been that way for a while. This allows you to not worry about having a bunch of libraries tacked onto your application. If you're sticking to all of the .NET provided libraries, you wind up only have to worry about deploying your executable, which is a big headache reliever. When you have a bunch of libraries you have to deploy as well, then you start to run into hassles when you write updates, because you have to make sure those updates are pushed out in your existing installer and to all the existing installed apps out there.

至于首选",有时总是会惹恼人,但在我经常访问的求职网站上,越来越多的 .NET 开发人员需要 Web 和桌面.8^D

As for "preferred", that always tends to ruffle feathers at times, but there are more and more .NET developers wanted for the web and the desktop at the job hunt sites I tend to visit. 8^D

非常感谢 Orion 指出我对框架的困惑.如果您使用的是 XP SP2 或 Vista,您将获得 3.0".其他一切都需要简单下载或运行 Windows 更新.

Many thanks to Orion for pointing out my confusion on the frameworks. You get 3.0 "out the gate if you're on XP SP2 or Vista. Everything else is going to require a simple download or run of Windows Update.

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