C# 中的 IApplicationActivationManager::ActivateApplication?

IApplicationActivationManager::ActivateApplication in C#?(C# 中的 IApplicationActivationManager::ActivateApplication?)

本文介绍了C# 中的 IApplicationActivationManager::ActivateApplication?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在为 Metro 应用程序进行自动化测试,我发现代码可以完成很多我需要的工作,但它是用 C++ 编写的:

I'm working on automated testing for metro apps and I found code to do a lot of what I need, but it's in C++: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsappdev/archive/2012/09/04/automating-the-testing-of-windows-8-apps.aspx

My question is, how do I use IApplicationActivationManager::ActivateApplication in C# because I don't know C++? Details for the method are found here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/hh706903(v=vs.85).aspx

Here's the code I pulled from Shobjidl.idl:


// IApplicationActivationManger is used to activate an immersive application identified by its Application User Model Id.
// Developers who are interested in using the Application Activation Manager do not need to implement the following
// interface. An implementation is provided through the CoCreatable Object with CLSID_ApplicationActivationManager.
interface IApplicationActivationManager : IUnknown
    // Activates the specified immersive application for the "Launch" contract, passing the provided arguments
    // string into the application.  Callers can obtain the process Id of the application instance fulfilling this contract.
    HRESULT ActivateApplication(
        [in] LPCWSTR appUserModelId,
        [in, unique] LPCWSTR arguments,
        [in] ACTIVATEOPTIONS options,
        [out] DWORD *processId);
    HRESULT ActivateForFile(
        [in] LPCWSTR appUserModelId,
        [in] IShellItemArray *itemArray,
        [in, unique] LPCWSTR verb,
        [out] DWORD *processId);
    HRESULT ActivateForProtocol(
        [in] LPCWSTR appUserModelId,
        [in] IShellItemArray *itemArray,
        [out] DWORD *processId);

// CLSID_ApplicationActivationManager
    [ uuid(45BA127D-10A8-46EA-8AB7-56EA9078943C) ] coclass ApplicationActivationManager { interface IApplicationActivationManager; }

Any ideas?



Try with the below code snippet which works for me.

public enum ActivateOptions
    None = 0x00000000,  // No flags set
    DesignMode = 0x00000001,  // The application is being activated for design mode, and thus will not be able to
    // to create an immersive window. Window creation must be done by design tools which
    // load the necessary components by communicating with a designer-specified service on
    // the site chain established on the activation manager.  The splash screen normally
    // shown when an application is activated will also not appear.  Most activations
    // will not use this flag.
    NoErrorUI = 0x00000002,  // Do not show an error dialog if the app fails to activate.                                
    NoSplashScreen = 0x00000004,  // Do not show the splash screen when activating the app.

[ComImport, Guid("2e941141-7f97-4756-ba1d-9decde894a3d"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
interface IApplicationActivationManager
    // Activates the specified immersive application for the "Launch" contract, passing the provided arguments
    // string into the application.  Callers can obtain the process Id of the application instance fulfilling this contract.
    IntPtr ActivateApplication([In] String appUserModelId, [In] String arguments, [In] ActivateOptions options, [Out] out UInt32 processId);
    IntPtr ActivateForFile([In] String appUserModelId, [In] IntPtr /*IShellItemArray* */ itemArray, [In] String verb, [Out] out UInt32 processId);
    IntPtr ActivateForProtocol([In] String appUserModelId, [In] IntPtr /* IShellItemArray* */itemArray, [Out] out UInt32 processId);

[ComImport, Guid("45BA127D-10A8-46EA-8AB7-56EA9078943C")]//Application Activation Manager
class ApplicationActivationManager : IApplicationActivationManager
    [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)/*, PreserveSig*/]
    public extern IntPtr ActivateApplication([In] String appUserModelId, [In] String arguments, [In] ActivateOptions options, [Out] out UInt32 processId);
    [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
    public extern IntPtr ActivateForFile([In] String appUserModelId, [In] IntPtr /*IShellItemArray* */ itemArray, [In] String verb, [Out] out UInt32 processId);
    [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
    public extern IntPtr ActivateForProtocol([In] String appUserModelId, [In] IntPtr /* IShellItemArray* */itemArray, [Out] out UInt32 processId);

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        ApplicationActivationManager appActiveManager = new ApplicationActivationManager();//Class not registered
        uint pid;
        appActiveManager.ActivateApplication("2c123c17-8b21-4eb8-8b7f-fdc35c8b7718_n2533ggrncqjt!App", null, ActivateOptions.None, out pid);

Hope you might already aware how to get the Application name to activate. However, wanted to share that information here for other who might search the same. We can get the AppUserModelID from the below registry location:

这篇关于C# 中的 IApplicationActivationManager::ActivateApplication?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:C# 中的 IApplicationActivationManager::ActivateApplication?
