以编程方式更改 AssemblyVersion 和 AssemblyFileVersion 属性

Programmatically change the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion attributes(以编程方式更改 AssemblyVersion 和 AssemblyFileVersion 属性)

本文介绍了以编程方式更改 AssemblyVersion 和 AssemblyFileVersion 属性的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在设置创建过程中,我计划执行以下操作(在 C# 脚本中):

During a setup creation process, I am planning to do the following (within a C# Script):

  1. 读取一个DLL的AssemblyVersionAssemblyFileVersion属性值.
  2. 迭代项目中的所有 DLL 和可执行文件,并将这些版本应用到它们的 AssemblyVersionAssemblyFileVersion 属性值.
  1. Read the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion attribute values of one DLL.
  2. Iterate all DLLs and executables in the project and apply those version to their AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion attribute values.


我可以成功完成第 1 步,但对于第 2 步,我看不到真正的起点.我可能要做的是使用一些原生的P/Invoke方法,因为属性直接修改了DLL/可执行文件的版本信息资源信息.

I successfully can do step 1, but for step 2 I don't see a real start point. What I probably have to do is to use some native P/Invoke methods since the attributes directly modify the version information resource information of a DLL/executable.




Why don't you, during build process, read the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion of one DLL, and save it back to other csproject's AssemblyInfo.cs, only then compile it?


As a matter of fact, I don't know whether it is possible to modify the DLL file directly, without resorting to something fanciful.

或者,确保所有 DLL 共享一个公共 AssemblyInfo.cs.当您在 csproject 中添加新项目时,您可以通过将 AssemblyInfo.cs 添加为添加为链接"来执行此操作.这样编译时,所有的 DLL 将共享相同的 AssemblyInfo.cs,从而输出相同的 AssemblyVersion.

Or alternatively, make sure that all your DLLs share one common AssemblyInfo.cs. You can do this by adding the AssemblyInfo.cs as "Add As Link" when you add a new item in csproject. In this way when you do a compilation, all the DLLs will share the same AssemblyInfo.cs, and thus output the same AssemblyVersion.

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本文标题为:以编程方式更改 AssemblyVersion 和 AssemblyFileVersion 属性
