How would I use reflection to call all the methods that has a certain custom attribute?(我将如何使用反射来调用具有某个自定义属性的所有方法?)
I have a class with a bunch of methods.
some of these methods are marked by a custom attribute.
I would like to call all these methods at once.
How would I go about using reflection to find a list of all the methods in that class that contains this attribute?
获得方法列表后,您将使用 GetCustomAttributes 方法循环查询自定义属性.您可能需要更改 BindingFlags 以适应您的情况.
Once you get the list of methods, you would cycle query for the custom attributes using the GetCustomAttributes method. You may need to change the BindingFlags to suit your situation.
var methods = typeof( MyClass ).GetMethods( BindingFlags.Public );
foreach(var method in methods)
var attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes( typeof( MyAttribute ), true );
if (attributes != null && attributes.Length > 0)
//method has attribute.
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