未安装 Visual Studio 的应用程序崩溃

Application crash without Visual Studio installed(未安装 Visual Studio 的应用程序崩溃)

本文介绍了未安装 Visual Studio 的应用程序崩溃的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


发送到这里的代码太大了,我不知道哪些部分很重要.我在我拥有的每台电脑上都试过了,但它们都不起作用.VS2010 在没有任何警告或错误的情况下编译代码并且可以正常运行应用程序,如果我只是从操作系统启动应用程序也可以正常工作.当我把它放在不同的 PC 上时不起作用(我确实到处都有 Framework 4.0,我的其他应用程序运行良好).

Code is to large to send here, and i don't know which parts are important. I tried on every pc I have and it doesn't work of any of them. VS2010 compiles code without any warning or error and runs application fine, also works fine if I launch the app simply from the OS. When I put it on different PC doesn't work (I do have Framework 4.0 everywhere, other my apps works fine).

在我的笔记本电脑 (win xp) 上显示程序遇到问题,需要关闭...".标准窗口发送/不发送"错误没有说明具体问题.

On my laptop (win xp) it says "Program encountered the problem and needs to be closed...". Standard windows "send / don't send" error say nothing specific about problem.

在我的 PC (win xp) 上,它与笔记本电脑上的内容相同,而不是我在那里安装了 Visual Studio,它开始正常工作.当我卸载 VS10 时,它再次崩溃并出现未找到未处理的异常即时调试器......"之类的消息,再次没有具体说明问题.

On my PC (win xp) it was saying same thing as on the laptop than I have installed Visual Studio there and it started to work fine. When i uninstall VS10 it crashed again with massage like "unhandled exception Just-in-Time debugger not found...", again nothing specific about problem.

我的朋友带来了他的笔记本电脑(win 7),但没有显示任何消息,但也没有应用程序.它没有做任何事情,没有消息,没有应用程序,甚至没有启动进程.当我点击图标时,等待光标出现 2 秒,仅此而已.

My friend bring his laptop (win 7) and no message showed up but no app either. It didn't do anything no message, no application, not even process started. When i clicked on the icon wait cursor appeared for 2 sec and thats all.

每次相同的事情都没有显示,它会立即崩溃.只有应用程序实际工作的PC是我创建它的PC(win 7),当然安装了Visual Studio 2010.我相信其他 PC 会丢失一些文件或 .dll 和其他随 VS2010 安装的垃圾.任何想法要寻找什么?我无法在任何地方安装 VS,就像说您需要 adobe Premiere 才能观看视频".

Every time same thing no form is even showed it crashes instantly. Only pc where app actual works is PC (win 7) where I create it, with Visual Studio 2010 installed of course. I believe that other PCs miss some files or .dll and other junk which is installed with VS2010. Any ideas what to look for? I can't install VS everywhere its large and like saying "you need adobe premiere to watch the video".

Windows 中的事件:

Events in Windows:

Application: Floorball.exe
Framework Version: v4.0.30319
Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.
Exception Info: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
   at Floorball.Interface.InitializeComponent()
   at Floorball.Interface..ctor()
   at Floorball.Program.Main()

[解决方案]还没有完全解决,但我能够在 InitializeCoponent() 中找到导致崩溃的 GUI 组件.它愚蠢的线形!我真的不明白为什么它不能在任何地方正常工作!所以如果每个人都有类似的问题,试试这个解决方案!

[SOLUTION] Well not exactly solved but I was able to found GUI component in InitializeCoponent() which is causing crash. Its stupid LineShape !! I dont realy understand why its not working properly everywhere ! So if every body has similar problem try this solution!


听起来你正试图在没有调试 dll 的机器上运行调试版本.尝试编译发布版本,看看是否有帮助.

Sounds like you're trying to run a debug build on machines without debug dlls. Try compiling a Release version and see if that helps.


另一件事可能是 64/32 位差异(但实际上只是猜测,没有具体细节).如果您尝试运行的程序执行 P/Invoke,这可能是一个问题.如果您的项目设置为针对任何 CPU,那么它将在 64 位操作系统上作为 64 位程序运行,在 32 位操作系统上作为 32 位程序运行.尝试专门针对 x86,看看是否有任何改变.

Another thing it might be (but it's really just guesswork without specifics) is 64/32-bit differences. If the program you are trying to run, does P/Invoke, this can be an issue. If your project is set to target Any CPU, then it will run as a 64-bit program on 64-bit OS and 32-bit on a 32-bit OS. Try to target x86 specifically and see if that changes anything.

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本文标题为:未安装 Visual Studio 的应用程序崩溃
