曾经用 C# 完全重写过大型 C++ 应用程序吗?

Ever done a total rewrite of a large C++ application in C#?(曾经用 C# 完全重写过大型 C++ 应用程序吗?)

本文介绍了曾经用 C# 完全重写过大型 C++ 应用程序吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我知道 乔尔说永远不要这样做,我同意这一点大多数情况下.我确实认为有些情况是合理的.

I know Joel says to never do it, and I agree with this in most cases. I do think there are cases where it is justified.

我们有一个使用 MFC 前端和 Windows 服务作为核心组件的大型 C++ 应用程序(总共大约 250,000 行代码).我们正在考虑将项目迁移到 C#.

We have a large C++ application (around 250,000 total lines of code) that uses a MFC front end and a Windows service as the core components. We are thinking about moving the project to C#.


The reasons we are thinking about rewriting are:

  1. 更快的开发时间
  2. 使用 WCF 和其他 .NET 内置功能
  3. 各种操作更加一致系统
  4. 更简单的 64 位支持
  5. 许多不错的 .NET 库和那里的组件


Has anyone done a rewrite like this? Was it successful?

该项目现在已经有将近 10 年的历史了,我们已经意识到添加我们想要的新功能将是编写 .NET 已经内置的重要功能.

The project is almost 10 years old now, and we are getting to the point that adding new features we want would be writing significant functionality that .NET already has built-in.


你有没有想过,如果还没有从头开始重新编写,你应该开始分离 GUI 和后端层,然后你可以开始用 C# 编写它的一部分.

Have you thought about instead of re writing from scratch you should start to separate out the GUI and back end layer if it is not already, then you can start to write pieces of it in C#.

这 250,000 行不是一夜之间写出来的,它们包含了数十万人类年的努力,所以没有足够理智的人会建议从头开始一次全部重写.

the 250,000 lines were not written overnight they contains hundreds of thousands of man years of effort, so nobody sane enough would suggest to rewrite it all from scratch all at once.


The best approach if you guys are intend on doing it is piece by piece. otherwise ask for several years of development effort from your management while no new features are implemented in your existing product (basically stagnating in front of competition)

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本文标题为:曾经用 C# 完全重写过大型 C++ 应用程序吗?
