将 Angular 4 添加到 ASP.NETCore 项目

Add Angular 4 to an ASP.NETCore Project(将 Angular 4 添加到 ASP.NETCore 项目)

本文介绍了将 Angular 4 添加到 ASP.NETCore 项目的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想在 Visual Studio 2017 中的 ASP.NetCore 1.1 项目中使用 Angular 4(读取为:*.csproj 文件)

I want to utilize Angular 4 in my ASP.NetCore 1.1 project, within Visual Studio 2017 (read as: *.csproj file)

在以前的 ASP.NET Core 1.0 和 Visual Studio 2015 中,您可以简单地将 AngularJS (1.xx) 作为依赖项添加到 project.json 中,它会自行连接.

Previously with ASP.NET Core 1.0 and Visual Studio 2015, you could simply add AngularJS (1.x.x) into the project.json as a dependency and it would wire itself in.

现在,使用 ASP.NetCore 和 VS2017,project.json 文件已经消失,我能找到的唯一文档是使用 CLI 和使用 CLI 启动 Angular 4 项目生成一个新的角度应用程序.我真的不想要一个新项目,也不需要重构我创建的所有东西来为单独的 UI 项目提供服务.我只是想通过一些额外的客户端 UI 体验来增强我的应用程序.

Now, with ASP.NetCore and VS2017, the project.json file has gone away, and the only documentation I can find refers to STARTING an Angular 4 project by using the CLI and using the CLI to generate a NEW angular app. I don't really want a new project or have to refactor everything I have created to provide a service to a separate UI project. I just want to augment my app with some added client-side UI experience.



This questions has been getting a lot of views and the information is of little help so I'm providing this update.

Visual Studio 2017 (*.csproj)

Visual Studio 2017 (*.csproj)

  • Asp.Net Core 2.0 + Angular (v2.0~v4.0) :: 使用内置模板!最佳选择 IMO.

  • Asp.Net Core 2.0 + Angular (v2.0~v4.0) :: Use the built in template! Best option IMO.

Asp.Net Core 1.X + Angular (v2.0~v4.0)

Asp.Net Core 1.X + Angular (v2.0~v4.0)

  • 创建 VS 项目.
  • 通过 Angular CLI 创建 Angular 项目
  • 配置和设置详情:链接

Visual Studio 2015 (project.json)

Visual Studio 2015 (project.json)

  • 工具:最高版本 -preview2 - 没有进一步更新,所有新的 .NET Core 功能都将移至 VS 2017

  • Tooling: up to version -preview2 - No further updates, all new .NET Core features will be moving to VS 2017

  • Asp.Net Core 1.X + Angular (v2.0~v4.0)

  • Asp.Net Core 1.X + Angular (v2.0~v4.0)

  • Asp.Net Core 模板包
  • 注意:我不会认可糟糕的 VS 插件,Mads Kristensen 做得很好.
  • 配置和设置详情:博文

Asp.Net Core 1.X + AngularJS (~1.5)

Asp.Net Core 1.X + AngularJS (~1.5)

  • 配置和设置详细信息:Microsoft 教程

Asp.Net MVC 5 + AngularJS (~1.5)

Asp.Net MVC 5 + AngularJS (~1.5)

  • Pluralsight 博客指南

注意:还有 许多 其他方法可以让 Angular 与 ASP.Net/.NetCore 项目(如 NPM、Bower、NuGet 等)一起工作.我试图强调那些简单且实际工作.根据上面的 Pluralsight 博客文章,这些也符合微软的发展方向.

Notes: There are many other ways to get Angular to work with ASP.Net / .NetCore projects such as NPM, Bower, NuGet, etc. I tried to highlight the ones which are simple and actually work. Also these are in line with the direction Microsoft is moving in, according to the Pluralsight blog post above.



[i am aware you didn't ask this specifically but just wanted to share a thought which is very relevant in my opinion]

几个月前我处于完全相同的位置,我决定使用 angular cli.我感谢上帝,我做出了这个决定.无比清晰,它实际上把事情放在了应有的样子:.net core web api 后端和完全分离的 angular 客户端.就像您不会将您的 iphone/android 应用程序放入 VS 解决方案一样,也没有真正的理由将 Angular 应用程序放入 VS 解决方案中.

I was at the exactly the same point a few months ago and i decided going with angular cli. and i thank God i made that decision. Uncomparably more clear and it actually put things how they should be: .net core web api backend and completely separated angular client. just exactly the same as you wouldn't put your iphone/android app into VS solution, there is no real reason to put angular one neither.

更新要么将 MVC 与 Razor 一起使用,要么将 Angular 用作 SPA,如果您使用 Angular,请使用 Angular CLI.如果您使用 Angular,请使用 asp.net (core) Web Api 作为 REST 后端将数据输入其中

UPDATE Either use MVC with Razor, OR use Angular as a SPA, and if you use Angular, use the Angular CLI. And if you use angular, feed data into it with asp.net (core) Web Api as a REST backend

这篇关于将 Angular 4 添加到 ASP.NETCore 项目的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:将 Angular 4 添加到 ASP.NETCore 项目
