Visual Studio 2017 意外字符'

Visual Studio 2017 Unexpected Character #39;(Visual Studio 2017 意外字符)

本文介绍了Visual Studio 2017 意外字符'的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


所以我有 2 次奇怪的系统崩溃,我应该说是重新启动.我试图排除故障,但我找不到任何问题.在我进入 VS 2017 练习了一下之后不久,就发生了这种情况.

So I had 2 weird system crashes, shall I say restarts. I tried to troubleshoot but i could't find any problem. Soon after I went into VS 2017 to practice a bit and this occurs.


C:UsersShakyApp DataLocalTemp.NET Framework,Version=v 4 .5.2.程序集 Attributes.cs(1,1,1,1):错误 CS 1056:意外字符'

C:UsersShakyApp DataLocalTemp.NET Framework,Version=v 4 . 5 . 2 . Assembly Attributes.cs(1,1,1,1): error CS 1056: Unexpected character '


Note that it doesn't say which character, it just says " ' ".

这会一遍又一遍地重复 202 次.

And this repeats over and over like 202 times.


I had to separate framework version numbers with space because it doesn't let me pass the file path due to bad grammar, I searched how to do it, didn't find, this is my first time posting i think.

这会一遍又一遍地重复 202 次.

And this repeats over and over like 202 times.


根据 https:/// 您需要执行以下操作:

As per you need to do the following:

浏览到 Appdata emp 文件夹中的相关文件,您将至少查看有问题的文件(我的情况.NETFramework,版本=4.5.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs).我也有几个不同 .NET 版本的其他类似文件.

Browse to the file in question in the Appdata emp folder and you’ll see at at least the file in question (my case .NETFramework,Version=4.5.2.AssemblyAttributes.cs). I also had a few other similar files for different .NET versions.


Just delete them out of the temp folder. When you recompile, they will get recreated, but I received no errors and all is working well.

注意:该文件通常可以在 C:Users\{userName}AppDataLocalTemp

Note: The file can usually be found in C:Users\{userName}AppDataLocalTemp

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本文标题为:Visual Studio 2017 意外字符'
