将 JObject 转换为 Dictionary<string, object>.是否可以?

Convert JObject into Dictionarylt;string, objectgt;. Is it possible?(将 JObject 转换为 Dictionarylt;string, objectgt;.是否可以?)

本文介绍了将 JObject 转换为 Dictionary<string, object>.是否可以?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个 Web API 方法,它接受任意 json 有效负载到 JObject 属性中.因此,我不知道会发生什么,但我仍然需要将其转换为 .NET 类型.我想要一个 Dictionary<string,object> 以便我可以以任何我想要的方式处理它.

I have a web API method that accepts an arbitrary json payload into a JObject property. As such I don't know what's coming but I still need to translate it to .NET types. I would like to have a Dictionary<string,object> so that I can deal with it any way I want to.


I have searched a lot, but couldn't find anything and ended up starting a messy method to do this conversion, key by key, value by value. Is there an easy way to do it?


JObject person = new JObject(
    new JProperty("Name", "John Smith"),
    new JProperty("BirthDate", new DateTime(1983, 3, 20)),
    new JProperty("Hobbies", new JArray("Play football", "Programming")),
    new JProperty("Extra", new JObject(
        new JProperty("Foo", 1),
        new JProperty("Bar", new JArray(1, 2, 3))




I ended up using a mix of both answers as none really nailed it.

ToObject() 可以做 JSON 对象的第一级属性,但嵌套对象不会被转换为 Dictionary().

ToObject() can do the first level of properties in a JSON object, but nested objects won't be converted to Dictionary().

也无需手动执行所有操作,因为 ToObject() 非常适合用于一级属性.

There's also no need to do everything manually as ToObject() is pretty good with first level properties.


public static class JObjectExtensions
    public static IDictionary<string, object> ToDictionary(this JObject @object)
        var result = @object.ToObject<Dictionary<string, object>>();

        var JObjectKeys = (from r in result
                           let key = r.Key
                           let value = r.Value
                           where value.GetType() == typeof(JObject)
                           select key).ToList();

        var JArrayKeys = (from r in result
                          let key = r.Key
                          let value = r.Value
                          where value.GetType() == typeof(JArray)
                          select key).ToList();

        JArrayKeys.ForEach(key => result[key] = ((JArray)result[key]).Values().Select(x => ((JValue)x).Value).ToArray());
        JObjectKeys.ForEach(key => result[key] = ToDictionary(result[key] as JObject));

        return result;


It might have edge cases where it won't work and the performance is not the strongest quality of it.


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本文标题为:将 JObject 转换为 Dictionary&lt;string, object&gt;.是否可以?
