“检测到自参考循环"JSON.Net 例外

quot;Self Referencing Loop Detectedquot; exception with JSON.Net(“检测到自参考循环JSON.Net 例外)

本文介绍了“检测到自参考循环"JSON.Net 例外的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有这段代码可以将 Route 对象列表发送到我的视图(ASP.Net MVC):

I have this bit of code to send a List of Route objects to my View (ASP.Net MVC):

public ActionResult getRouteFromPart(int partId)
    List<Route> routes = _routeService.GetRouteByPartType(partId);

    if (routes == null)
        return this.AdvancedJsonResult(null, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

    return this.AdvancedJsonResult(new
        Routes = routes
    }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

但我的 AdvancedJsonResult 类中出现异常:

But I'm getting an exception here in my AdvancedJsonResult class:

if (Data != null)
    var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
        ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver()

    string result = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(this.Data, this.Formatting, settings);


I've tried the "ReferenceLoopHanding.Ignore" trick which silences the exception, but the list still doesn't get passed to the view.

当我将 routes 更改为单个对象而不是列表时,代码会起作用,所以我认为代码只是不喜欢使用列表.

The code works when I change routes to a single object instead of a list, so I think the code just doesn't like working with a list.

我是这个项目的新手,所以我不知道如何解决这个问题并让它对使用 List 感到满意...

I'm new to this project so I'm not sure how to fix this and make it happy with using a List...

这是完整的异常消息,发生在 string result = JsonConvert... 行.

Here's the full Exception message, which happens on the string result = JsonConvert... line.


Self referencing loop detected with type 'System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies.PartNumber_B135A5D16403B760C3591872ED4C98A25643FD10B51246A690C2F2D977973452'. Path 'routes[0].incomingLots[0].partNumber.partType.partNumbers'.


基于 Json.net 的默认 Json 格式化程序的正确答案是将 ReferenceLoopHandling 设置为 Ignore.

Well the correct answer for the default Json formater based on Json.net is to set ReferenceLoopHandling to Ignore.

只需将此添加到 Global.asax 中的 Application_Start 中:

Just add this to the Application_Start in Global.asax:

HttpConfiguration config = GlobalConfiguration.Configuration;

            .ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;


This is the correct way. It will ignore the reference pointing back to the object.


Other responses focused in changing the list being returned by excluding data or by making a facade object and sometimes that is not an option.

使用 JsonIgnore 属性来限制引用可能很耗时,如果您想从另一个点开始序列化树,这将是一个问题.

Using the JsonIgnore attribute to restrict the references can be time consuming and if you want to serialize the tree starting from another point that will be a problem.


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本文标题为:“检测到自参考循环"JSON.Net 例外
