将部分 JSON 替换为其他(使用字符串标记)

Replace part of a JSON with other (using a string token)(将部分 JSON 替换为其他(使用字符串标记))

本文介绍了将部分 JSON 替换为其他(使用字符串标记)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm having an issue that I cant fix, I seek and seek in different places, but I still without find it.


//I have 2 json to merge  

var json = @"{'client': {'name': 'Should NO CHANGE', 'lastname': '', 'email': 'asd@asd.com', 'phone': '',  'birthday': '', 'married': false, 'spouse': {'name': '', 'lastname': ''} } }";

var json2 = @" {'client': {'name': 'aaaa', 'lastname': 'bbbb', 'email': 'cccccc@ccccc.com',  'phone': '', 'birthday': '', 'married': false,  'spouse': {'name': 'dddddd', 'lastname': 'eeeee'} } } ";

//for example to properties to replace
var path = "client.spouse";
var path2 = "client.email";

dynamic o1 = JObject.Parse(json);
dynamic o2 = JObject.Parse(json2);

//I want this, but using the string (LIKE REFLECTION) 
// NOT THE DYNAMIC object 
// Can be a simple property or a complex object
o1.client.spouse = o2.client.spouse;
o1.client.email = o2.client.email; 


I need to use a string instead of "o1.client.email" to replace the content. Because can be anything. (also the json can be anything)


I can replace by strings, by dynamic, or whatever it work.

(XML 有效,但我丢失了日期、布尔值或数字时的数据类型)

(XML works, but I lost the data type when is a date, boolean or numeric)

NetFiddle 中的示例.


可以使用SelectToken 选择 JSON 对象层次结构中的任何项目.它支持 JSONPath 查询语法.它返回一个与所选项目的 value 对应的 JToken,如果没有找到,则返回 null.该 JToken 又具有 Replace(JToken替换) 方法.因此你可以这样做:

You can use SelectToken to select any item in the JSON object hierarchy. It supports JSONPath query syntax. It returns a JToken corresponding to the value of the selected item, or null if not found. That JToken in turn has a Replace(JToken replacement) method. Thus you can do:

var o1 = JObject.Parse(json);
var o2 = JObject.Parse(json2);

var path = "client.spouse";

var path2 = "client.email";

这篇关于将部分 JSON 替换为其他(使用字符串标记)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:将部分 JSON 替换为其他(使用字符串标记)
