使用用户名和密码时 RabbitMQ C# 连接问题

RabbitMQ C# connection trouble when using a username and password(使用用户名和密码时 RabbitMQ C# 连接问题)

本文介绍了使用用户名和密码时 RabbitMQ C# 连接问题的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I am at a loss here so I'm reaching out to the collective knowledge in hope of a miracle.

我已经使用默认设置在 Linux 机器上安装了 RabbitMQ.

I have installed RabbitMQ on a Linux box using the defaults.

当我使用此代码(以及默认的 RabbitMQ 安装配置)时,一切正常.

When I use this code (and the default RabbitMQ installation configuration) everything works nice.

var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory.HostName = "";
IConnection connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();

但是当我将用户添加到 RabbitMQ 并尝试使用以下代码时(用户名和密码已更改以保护无辜.:))

But when I add a user to RabbitMQ and try to use the following code (username and password has been changed to protect the innocent. :) )

var connectionFactory = new ConnectionFactory();
connectionFactory.HostName = "";
connectionFactory.UserName = "user";
connectionFactory.Password = "password";
IConnection connection = connectionFactory.CreateConnection();

connectionFactory.CreateConnection() 方法抛出以下异常:

None of the specified endpoints were reachable

检查 RabbitMQ 日志文件,我可以看到它抱怨凭据:

Checking the RabbitMQ logfile I can see it complaining about the credentials:

"PLAIN login refused: user 'user' - invalid credentials",


The thing is that I am confident about the username and password and I cannot for the love of coding find a solution to this anywhere.


I must be missing something obvious but I can't figure out what it is. I would be grateful for any helpful pointers.



It seems that I have found a solution to my own problem. The following code works:

ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
factory.UserName = "user";
factory.Password = "password";
factory.VirtualHost = "/";
factory.Protocol = Protocols.FromEnvironment();
factory.HostName = "";
factory.Port = AmqpTcpEndpoint.UseDefaultPort;
IConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection();


Thanks for listening and perhaps this at least could be useful to someone else. :)

这篇关于使用用户名和密码时 RabbitMQ C# 连接问题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:使用用户名和密码时 RabbitMQ C# 连接问题
