Linq 2 SQL - Generic where clause(Linq 2 SQL - 通用 where 子句)
public T GetItemById(int id)
Table<T> table = _db.GetTable<T>();
table.Where(t => t.Id == id);
请注意,上下文中不存在 i.Id,因为 linq 不知道它正在使用什么对象,而 Id 是表的主键
Note that i.Id does not exist in the context as linq does not know what object it is working with, and Id is the primary key of the table
(removed approach bound to attributes)
edit: and here's the meta-model way (so it works with mapping files as well as attributed objects):
static TEntity Get<TEntity>(this DataContext ctx, int key) where TEntity : class
return Get<TEntity, int>(ctx, key);
static TEntity Get<TEntity, TKey>(this DataContext ctx, TKey key) where TEntity : class
var table = ctx.GetTable<TEntity>();
var pkProp = (from member in ctx.Mapping.GetMetaType(typeof(TEntity)).DataMembers
where member.IsPrimaryKey
select member.Member).Single();
ParameterExpression param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "x");
MemberExpression memberExp;
switch (pkProp.MemberType)
case MemberTypes.Field: memberExp = Expression.Field(param, (FieldInfo)pkProp); break;
case MemberTypes.Property: memberExp = Expression.Property(param, (PropertyInfo)pkProp); break;
default: throw new NotSupportedException("Invalid primary key member: " + pkProp.Name);
Expression body = Expression.Equal(
memberExp, Expression.Constant(key, typeof(TKey)));
var predicate = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, bool>>(body, param);
return table.Single(predicate);
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本文标题为:Linq 2 SQL - 通用 where 子句
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