Best Strategy or tools for migrating from VB6 to .NET/.NET Core(从 VB6 迁移到 .NET/.NET Core 的最佳策略或工具)
我的公司有大量用 VB6 编写的遗留应用程序.
My company has tons of legacy applications that are written in VB6.
我们正在从 VB6 应用程序迁移到 .NET(特别是 3.5).
We are in transitions from moving VB6 applications to .NET (3.5 specifically).
将 VB6 迁移到 .NET 的最佳策略是什么?
What would be the best strategy for moving form VB6 to .NET?
NOTE: Below update should go to "Project Management" and has nothing to do with the main question.
[UPDATE]: Thank you for your feedback so far
Now there are more question that pop up are
- 您将如何分配开发人员开发新应用程序?
- 是否应该有一个特殊的一次性升级部门会转换旧应用到新应用?或者应该每个开发者都参与转换过程?
- 是否应该只有高级开发人员才能参与转换?初级开发商?还是混合的?
It seems like, the more I think about this problem, more questions just show up.
Clearly this is a major undertaking which will involve lots of work.
So my advice would be to treat it like a very long term project.
Have a clear goal in mind, which addresses major issues like security, resilience, maintainability and the future of your applications.
一旦利益相关者同意这一点,请开发一个原型系统来测试您的假设,您可以在其中尝试 C# 与 或 MVC 与 Webforms.我会为此分配您最好的开发人员.
Once this has been agreed on by the stake holders, develop a prototype system to test your assumptions with, where you can try out C# vs or MVC vs Webforms. I would assign your best developers for this.
Then start with one your small legacy systems, and build the core components which you will re-use in other areas.
At this stage, start with your more senior developers, but everyone must get involved and be familiar with the new framework.
This will ensure everyone is trained at the same time, and no one is left behind.
Depending on how many applications you have I would rotate developers, so all systems can benefit.
此外,所有新工作都必须使用您的 .net 语言而不是 VB6 来完成.
Also all new work must be done in your .net language not in VB6.
Gradually convert each one of your legacy applications. (I would only convert them if they are changing or if there is a clear benefit to updating them.)
This should give you a solid framework to use going forward, while still ensuring users functionality isn't hindered by your migration.
我曾在一家拥有大约 40 个左右 VB 应用程序的公司工作.
随着时间的推移,我们已经将所有这些迁移到 C#,现在(5 年后),我们有大约 150 个 c# 应用程序(全部在 .net 2 中).
For example:
I've worked at a company which had roughly 40 or so VB applications.
Over time we have migrated all of these to C# and now (5 years later), we have roughly 150 c# applications (all in .net 2.).
These all share a common framework, making them easy to maintain, and extend where necessary.
这篇关于从 VB6 迁移到 .NET/.NET Core 的最佳策略或工具的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:从 VB6 迁移到 .NET/.NET Core 的最佳策略或工具

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