处理后调用 MemoryStream.ToArray() 是否危险?

Is calling MemoryStream.ToArray() dangerous after disposing?(处理后调用 MemoryStream.ToArray() 是否危险?)

本文介绍了处理后调用 MemoryStream.ToArray() 是否危险?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在下面的代码中,GC 是否有可能清除 MemoryStream 从而使 ToArray 失败,因为它在 using 语句之外?

In the below code, is there any chance the GC will clean out the MemoryStream so that ToArray will fail, since it is outside the using statement?

private static byte[] getBytes()
    MemoryStream ms = null;

    using (ms = new MemoryStream())
        // ...

    return ms.ToArray();


不,没有机会.这样做是安全的 - MemoryStream 保持对字节数组的强引用.

No, there's no chance of that. It's safe to do - the MemoryStream keeps a strong reference to the byte array.


I'll see if I can find any documentation about guarantees...


来自 MemoryStream.Close:

一旦流关闭,缓冲区在 MemoryStream 上仍然可用.

The buffer is still available on a MemoryStream once the stream has been closed.

诚然,这并不能保证 Dispose 的实现,但已记录为调用 Stream.Close.

Admittedly that doesn't guarantee it for Dispose, but that's documented to call Stream.Close.

MemoryStream.Dispose(bool) 可以然后被覆盖以释放数组,但在我的经验中不是这样,这将是一个突破性的变化点.

MemoryStream.Dispose(bool) could then be overridden to release the array, but it doesn't in my experience, and it would be a breaking change at this point.

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本文标题为:处理后调用 MemoryStream.ToArray() 是否危险?
