可空布尔值上的 GetType

GetType on Nullable Boolean(可空布尔值上的 GetType)

本文介绍了可空布尔值上的 GetType的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当我在 Microsoft MSDN 上发现这篇文章时,我正在研究可空布尔值

I was looking into nullable bools when I found this article on Microsoft MSDN

如何:识别可空类型(C# 编程指南)

您可以使用 C# typeof 运算符来创建表示 Nullable 类型的 Type 对象.

You can use the C# typeof operator to create a Type object that represents a Nullable type.


So I tried checking with a nullable bool:

Console.Write(typeof(bool?)); //System.Nullable`1[System.Boolean]


您还可以使用 System.Reflection 命名空间的类和方法来生成表示 Nullable 类型的 Type 对象.但是,如果您尝试在运行时使用 GetType 方法或 is 运算符从 Nullable 变量获取类型信息,则结果是表示底层类型的 Type 对象,而不是 Nullable 类型本身.

You can also use the classes and methods of the System.Reflection namespace to generate Type objects that represent Nullable types. However, if you try to obtain type information from Nullable variables at runtime by using the GetType method or the is operator, the result is a Type object that represents the underlying type, not the Nullable type itself.

在 Nullable 类型上调用 GetType 会导致在类型隐式转换为 Object 时执行装箱操作.因此 GetType 总是返回一个代表底层类型的 Type 对象,而不是 Nullable 类型.

Calling GetType on a Nullable type causes a boxing operation to be performed when the type is implicitly converted to Object. Therefore GetType always returns a Type object that represents the underlying type, not the Nullable type.

如果这是真的,我希望从 .GetType() 获得相同的结果,无论我使用可空 bool 还是常规 bool.但事实并非如此:

If this is true I expect to get the same result from .GetType() whether I use a nullable bool or a regular bool. But this is not what happens:

    bool a = new bool();
    Console.Write(a.GetType()); //Prints System.Boolean

    bool? b = new bool?();
    Console.Write(b.GetType()); //Exception!


BoolTest.exe 中发生类型为System.NullReferenceException"的未处理异常

An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in BoolTest.exe


Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


But the object reference is set to an instance of an object. What could be the cause of this error?


您正在对 NULL 引用调用 GetType(使用 No值).

You're calling GetType on a NULL Reference (The result of boxing a Nullable Type with No Value).

布尔值?b = new bool?(); 等价于 bool?b = null;


Try this to get the correct result:

bool? b = new bool?(false);
Console.Write(b.GetType()); // System.Boolean

文档意味着,如果您在具有值(非空)的 Nullable 对象上成功调用 GetType().你得到的底层类型是 System.Boolean.但是您不能使用 NULL 引用调用任何方法,这是适用于任何引用类型的一般规则.

The documentation means that if you call GetType() successfully on a Nullable object that has value (Not Null). You get the Underlying type which is System.Boolean. But you can't call any method using a NULL reference and this is a general rule that applying to any reference type.

要清除 = nullnew bool?() 之间的等价点,请检查此 小提琴.两者都生成相同的 IL:

To clear the equivalence point between = null and new bool?(), check this Fiddle. Both generates the same IL:

IL_0001:  ldloca.s   V_0
IL_0003:  initobj    valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<bool>

IL_0009:  ldloca.s   V_1
IL_000b:  initobj    valuetype [mscorlib]System.Nullable`1<bool>

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本文标题为:可空布尔值上的 GetType
