图像或位图中的 C# 麦田圈

C# crop circle in a image or bitmap(图像或位图中的 C# 麦田圈)

本文介绍了图像或位图中的 C# 麦田圈的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我相信这很容易,但似乎找不到任何有答案的人.我有一个图像,我需要从该图像中剪出一个圆形甚至其他形状.我需要将此代码放在 .net c# 中.我在课堂上这样做,所以它不是 wpf 或 winform.我需要传递 x 和 y pos 以及圆的大小.

I am sure its easy but can't seem to find anyone that has the answer. I have an image and I need to cut a circle or even other shapes out of that image. I need this code to be in .net c#. I am doing this in a class so its not wpf or a winform. I will need to pass x and y pos and the size of the circle.

其他选项是 AForge、ImageStatistics.我需要得到一个圆圈(图像的一部分)并得到 StdDev.

Other option is AForge, ImageStatistics. I need to get a circle (part of the image) and get StdDev.


-- 更新到克里斯的帖子.

-- update to chris post.

这是克里斯在 c# 中的帖子.不像他的那么干净,但这是一个开始.

Here is chris post in c#. Not as clean as his but its a start.

 public System.Drawing.Image x(string sourceFile, int circleUpperLeftX, int circleUpperLeftY, int circleDiameter)
        Bitmap SourceImage = new Bitmap(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(sourceFile));
        Rectangle CropRect = new Rectangle(circleUpperLeftX, circleUpperLeftY, circleDiameter, circleDiameter);
        Bitmap CroppedImage = SourceImage.Clone(CropRect, SourceImage.PixelFormat);
        TextureBrush TB = new TextureBrush(CroppedImage);
        Bitmap FinalImage = new Bitmap(circleDiameter, circleDiameter);
        Graphics G = Graphics.FromImage(FinalImage);
        G.FillEllipse(TB, 0, 0, circleDiameter, circleDiameter);
        return FinalImage;


您可以使用 纹理刷.下面的代码将图像裁剪为正方形,然后将其加载到纹理画笔中,最后使用该画笔绘制椭圆/圆:

You can use a TextureBrush. The code below crops the image to a square, then loads that into a texture brush and finally draws an ellipse/circle using that brush:

Private Shared Function CropImageToCircle(ByVal sourceFile As String, ByVal circleUpperLeftX As Integer, ByVal circleUpperLeftY As Integer, ByVal circleDiameter As Integer) As Image
    ''//Load our source image
    Using SourceImage As New Bitmap(Image.FromFile(sourceFile))
        ''//Create a rectangle that crops a square of our image
        Dim CropRect As New Rectangle(circleUpperLeftX, circleUpperLeftY, circleDiameter, circleDiameter)
        ''//Crop the image to that square
        Using CroppedImage = SourceImage.Clone(CropRect, SourceImage.PixelFormat)
            ''//Create a texturebrush to draw our circle with
            Using TB As New TextureBrush(CroppedImage)
                ''//Create our output image
                Dim FinalImage As New Bitmap(circleDiameter, circleDiameter)
                ''//Create a graphics object to draw with
                Using G = Graphics.FromImage(FinalImage)
                    ''//Draw our cropped image onto the output image as an ellipse with the same width/height (circle)
                    G.FillEllipse(TB, 0, 0, circleDiameter, circleDiameter)
                    Return FinalImage
                End Using
            End Using
        End Using
    End Using
End Function

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本文标题为:图像或位图中的 C# 麦田圈
