C# Getting the pixel data efficiently from System.Drawing.Bitmap(C# 从 System.Drawing.Bitmap 高效获取像素数据)
我在 HDD 上有几个 (~2GB) 原始 24bpp RGB 文件.现在我想检索它的一部分并将其缩放到所需的大小.
(唯一允许的比例是 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, ..., 1/256)
I have several (~2GB) raw 24bpp RGB files on HDD.
Now I want to retrieve a portion of it and scale it to the desired size.
(The only scales allowed are 1, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, ..., 1/256)
So I'm currently reading every line from the rectangle of interest into an array, which leaves me with a bitmap which has correct height but wrong width.
接下来我在 Bitmap 上调用 GetThumbnailImage,它会创建一个具有正确尺寸的新位图.
As the next step I'm creating a Bitmap from the newly created array.
This is done with by using a pointer so there is no copying of data involved.
Next I'm calling GetThumbnailImage on the Bitmap, which creates a new bitmap with the correct dimensions.
现在我想返回新创建的位图的原始像素数据(作为字节数组).但是为了实现这一点,我目前正在使用 LockBits 将数据复制到一个新数组中.
Now I want to return the raw pixel data (as a byte array) of the newly created bitmap. But to achieve that I'm currently copying the data using LockBits into a new array.
var bitmapData = scaledBitmap.LockBits(...)
byte[] rawBitmapData = (byte[])bitmapData.Scan0.ToPointer()
return rawBitmapData
I'm well aware that this doesn't work, it is just an example to what I basically want to achieve.
I think this is your best bet.
var bitmapData = scaledBitmap.LockBits(...);
var length = bitmapData.Stride * bitmapData.Height;
byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
// Copy bitmap to byte[]
Marshal.Copy(bitmapData.Scan0, bytes, 0, length);
You have to copy it, if you want a pass around a byte[].
您不必删除已分配的字节,只需在完成后处理原始 Bitmap 对象,因为它实现了 IDisposable.
You don't have to delete the bytes that were allocated, you just need to Dispose of the original Bitmap object when done as it implements IDisposable.
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本文标题为:C# 从 System.Drawing.Bitmap 高效获取像素数据

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