为什么 OnBeforeUnload 使用 asp:LinkBut​​ton 触发两次

Why is OnBeforeUnload firing twice with asp:LinkButton?(为什么 OnBeforeUnload 使用 asp:LinkBut​​ton 触发两次?)

本文介绍了为什么 OnBeforeUnload 使用 asp:LinkBut​​ton 触发两次?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有以下 Jquery 函数,可以在用户有未保存的更改(类似于 SO 的做法)并试图离开当前屏幕时通过提示通知用户.

I have the following Jquery function to notify the user with a prompt when they have unsaved changes (similar to how SO does it) and are trying to leave the current screen.

<!-- in my aspx page -->
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
    window.onbeforeunload = function()
        if (HasPendingUpdates())
            return "Changes you have made will not be saved.";

这按预期工作,并在用户尝试单击 href 浏览或使用后退按钮等时显示消息框.我遇到的问题是我的一个链接是 asp:LinkBut​​ton 因为它需要在离开页面之前触发一些服务器端代码.当用户点击这个 LinkBut​​ton 时,他们会收到两次提示.

This works as expected and shows the message box when the user tries to click a href to browse away or use the back button etc. The problem I am having is that one of my links is a asp:LinkButton because it needs to fire off some server side code before leaving the page. When the user clicks this LinkButton they get the prompt twice.


  1. 用户点击LinkBut​​ton
  2. 出现提示,用户点击取消按钮.
  3. 提示消失,用户仍在屏幕上.很好.

  1. User clicks the LinkButton
  2. Prompt appears and user clicks the cancel button.
  3. Prompt disappears and user is still on screen. GOOD.


那为什么我会收到第二个提示???OnBeforeUnload 如何触发两次?

So why am I getting the second prompt??? How is the OnBeforeUnload firing twice?


我遇到了类似的问题,但是,我根本不想为 LinkBut​​tons 触发 onbeforeunload,因此我对 .aspx 上的每个 LinkBut​​ton 使用了以下内容页面:

I had a similar problem, however, I didn't want to fire onbeforeunload for LinkButtons at all, therefore I used the following for every LinkButton on the .aspx page:

OnClientClick="eval(this.href);return false"

LinkBut​​tons 的功能并没有被削弱,因为它们所做的只是提供一个带有 CommandArgument 的 Command 以供代码隐藏处理......

Functionality of the LinkButtons wasn't crippled, since all they did was supplying a Command with CommandArgument for the codebehind to handle...

这篇关于为什么 OnBeforeUnload 使用 asp:LinkBut​​ton 触发两次?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:为什么 OnBeforeUnload 使用 asp:LinkBut​​ton 触发两次
