ASP.NET Core 2.1 Preview 2 App Not working on Azure App Service(ASP.NET Core 2.1 Preview 2 App 无法在 Azure 应用服务上运行)
自从此版本发布以来,我一直在 Azure 上运行我的 ASP.NET Core 2.1 Preview-1 应用程序.我已经通过门户安装了 ASP.NET Core 运行时扩展,它运行良好.
I've been running my ASP.NET Core 2.1 Preview-1 app on Azure since this release became available. I had installed the ASP.NET Core runtime extensions through the portal and it's been working fine.
现在微软发布了 ASP.NET Core 2.1 Preview-2,我安装了 SDK 的升级.更新了我的 Nuget 包,以便我拥有所有内容的 preview-2 版本.请参阅下面的我的 csproj 文件:
Now that Microsoft released ASP.NET Core 2.1 Preview-2, I installed the upgrade to the SDK. Updated my Nuget packages so that I have the preview-2 versions of everything. See my csproj file below:
我还为我的应用程序从 Azure 应用程序服务中删除了 ASP.NET Core 运行时扩展,该应用程序显示 2.1 Preview-1.而是分别为 x86 和 x64 安装了 ASP.NET Core 2.1 运行时——见下文:
I also removed the ASP.NET Core Runtime extensions from Azure App Service for my app which was showing 2.1 Preview-1. Instead installed ASP.NET Core 2.1 run times for x86 and x64 separately -- see below:
编译了应用程序并将其发布到我的 Azure 应用程序服务,但出现错误.首先我得到了 502.5 错误.现在,我得到:
Compiled the app and published it to my Azure App service but I'm getting errors. First I got the 502.5 error. Now, I'm getting:
指定的 CGI 应用程序遇到错误,服务器终止进程.
The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process.
正如答案所建议的,我将目标设置为 x86(为了安全起见)——见下文:
As the answer suggested, I set my target to x86 (to play it safe) -- see below:
我删除了扩展以及单独的 x86 和 x64 运行时,只安装了支持 ASP.NET Core 2.1 preview-2 的 x86——见下文:
I removed the extension and the individual x86 and x64 run times and installed only the x86 with support for ASP.NET Core 2.1 preview-2 -- see below:
我重新启动应用程序几次,我仍然得到 502.5.
I restarted the app several times and I'm still getting 502.5.
然后我尝试通过发出以下命令通过 CLI 命令行进行自我部署:
I then tried to do a self deploy through CLI command line by issuing the following command:
dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64
C:程序Filesdotnetsdk2.1.300-preview2-008530SdksMicrosoft.NET.Sdk argetsMicrosoft.NET.RuntimeIdentifierInference.targets(125,5):错误:RuntimeIdentifier 平台win10-x64"和PlatformTarget 'x86' 必须兼容.
C:Program Filesdotnetsdk2.1.300-preview2-008530SdksMicrosoft.NET.Sdk argetsMicrosoft.NET.RuntimeIdentifierInference.targets(125,5): error : The RuntimeIdentifier platform 'win10-x64' and the PlatformTarget 'x86' must be compatible.
这是否意味着我安装了 x86 版本的 SDK,并且我必须以 x86 为目标?
Does this mean I have the x86 version of the SDK installed and I must target x86?
从 ASP.NET Core 2.0 升级到 2.1 时,我没有遇到一半的麻烦!!!!
I didn't have half the trouble that I'm going through now going from ASP.NET Core 2.0 to 2.1!!!!
更新 2:刚刚在 Kudu 控制台中运行 dotnet --info
Just ran dotnet --info
in Kudu console. If I'm reading this correctly, I don't have the correct runtime.
更新 3:
I think this screen shot confirms what I was saying.
更新 4:
我安装了 x86 版本的 ASP.NET Core 2.1 Runtime -- 见下文:
I installed x86 version of ASP.NET Core 2.1 Runtime -- see below:
当我在 Kudu 控制台中运行 dotnet --info
When I run dotnet --info
in Kudu console, I get the following which confuses me. I'm still not seeing the version I was expecting to see:
当我点击 URL 时,当我运行 dotnet MyApp.dll
时,我仍然在 Kudu 控制台中收到 502.5 和相同的消息,告诉我找不到正确的运行时版本.
And when I hit the URL, I'm still getting 502.5 and the same message in Kudu console when I run dotnet MyApp.dll
telling me that the correct version of the runtime is not found.
How will I get the correct version in there? I thought installing it through the portal would do it.
我们已成功使用自包含"部署模式将 ASP.NET Core 2.1 RC1 webapp 发布到 Azure 应用服务.
We've managed to publish ASP.NET Core 2.1 RC1 webapp to Azure app-service using "self-contained" deployment mode.
平台目标:任何 CPU
Platform target: Any CPU
以下是我们的 .csproj 中的包引用:
Here are the package references from our .csproj:
<代码><PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App"/><PackageReference Include="Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design" Version="2.1.0-rc1-final" PrivateAssets="All"/><PackageReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.AzureAppServicesIntegration" 版本="2.1.0-rc1-final"/>
这篇关于ASP.NET Core 2.1 Preview 2 App 无法在 Azure 应用服务上运行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:ASP.NET Core 2.1 Preview 2 App 无法在 Azure 应用服务上运行
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