
Allocation free delegate or other way to call method by address?(分配免费委托或其他按地址调用方法的方式?)



我需要能够在 C# 中使用 Mono 调用基于函数指针的单个方法.委托为此工作得很好,这是他们的目的,但他们似乎每次我设置委托时分配 52 个字节(不是 +=,而是使用 = 设置它,所以委托引用的方法总是一个且只有一个).

I need to be able to call a single method based on a function pointer in C# using Mono. Delegates work fine for this and it's their purpose, but they seem to allocate 52 bytes each time I set the delegate (not +=, but just setting it using = so there's always one and only one method referenced by the delegate).

此委托每秒更改多次,它会导致 GC 定期启动,我希望避免这种情况.

This delegate changes many times per second and it causes the GC to kick in periodically which I'd like to avoid.


I don't mind the initial memory allocation, but is there a way to prevent an allocation each time I change the single delegate value?

如果没有,除了每次更改地址时不会分配任何内存的委托之外,还有其他动态方式来调用 C# 中的方法吗?

If not, is there any other dynamic way to call a method in C# besides delegates that wouldn't allocate any memory each time the address is changed?



Action action = foo.DoSomething;


Action action = new Action(foo.DoSomething);


Which is where the allocations are coming from. There aren't any perfect ways around this but to prevent the allocations you need to cache and reuse the delegate.


You could achieve this on the implementation side by creating a delegate for each of your methods.

public class Foo
    public void DoSomething() { /*nop*/ }

    private Action _doSomethingDelegate;
    public Action DoSomethingDelegate
        get { return _doSomethingDelegate ?? (_doSomethingDelegate = DoSomething); }


Then you would just reference the existing delegate rather than the method

Action action = foo.DoSomethingDelegate;



Cache Fix

Another option is to use some sort of cache class but this introduces a whole pile of object lifetime issues which you probably don't want in a game scenario. This is a bit of a crude implementation are real one would probably want to use weak references.

public static class DelegateCache
    private static readonly Dictionary<object, Dictionary<string, Delegate>> Cache = new Dictionary<object, Dictionary<string, Delegate>>();

    private static Dictionary<string, Delegate> GetObjectCache(object instance)
        Dictionary<string, Delegate> delegates;
        if (!Cache.TryGetValue(instance, out delegates))
            Cache[instance] = delegates = new Dictionary<string, Delegate>();
        return delegates;

    public static T GetDelegate<T>(object instance, string method)
        where T: class
        var delegates = GetObjectCache(instance);
        Delegate del;
        if (!delegates.TryGetValue(method, out del))
            delegates[method] = del = Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(T), instance, method);
        return del as T;


Action action = DelegateCache.GetDelegate<Action>(foo, "DoSomething");


运行一些测试,这两种方法对于每个对象/方法对只有一个分配.我可能会去实施方面修复它,尽管它需要做很多工作,但它会更干净.如果有很多方法,并且您计划添加更多方法,则可以使用 T4 生成一个部分类,其中包含方法的委托实现.


Running some tests both these methods have only a single allocation per object/method pair. I would probably go the implementation side fix it is a lot cleaner even though it is a lot of work. If there are a lot of methods and you plan on adding many more you could use T4 to generate a partial class with the delegate implementation for your methods.


