ASP.NET Web 服务器无法启动,Mono 环境无法切换

ASP.NET web server cannot be launched and Mono environment not be switched(ASP.NET Web 服务器无法启动,Mono 环境无法切换)

本文介绍了ASP.NET Web 服务器无法启动,Mono 环境无法切换的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在运行 在 Mono 上的 "noreferrer">ASP.NET 应用程序,我们可能会收到以下错误:



I am running one of the latest versions of Monodevelop on Linux Mint which used to work before I formatted my drive and made a fresh install. When I build my project it builds fine, but when I try to run it I get the following message:

Could not launch ASP.NET web server. The xsp4 web server cannot be found. Please ensure that it is installed.

I have xsp4 and xsp4-base packages installed. I found in a question and answer on askubuntu that I need to switch the Mono runtime to make it able to find xsp4.

When I go to Edit > Preferences > Projects > .NET Runtimes I see the options Mono 3.10.0 (Default) and Mono 3.10.0 (/usr). Unfortunately, when I switch to the /usr one (the one I need and should work) I get the same error as above that the web server cannot be found. And now the weird part: when I look again in the .NET runtimes options I see that is has switched the default back to the original one.

The switching back to another default only happens after I press F5 and try to build the solution (both with release and debug).

Does anyone know how I can fix this?


In case we're running an ASP.NET application on Mono using Monodevelop for the first time, we may receive the below error:

In some cases, the problem is incorrect installation of xsp4 server.

Install it using:

sudo apt-get install mono-xsp4

This solved the above error.

Optional: get it from Ubuntu software center by searching for xsp4

Extra: For Arch (or based like Manjaro...) use yaourt -S xsp.


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