Mono 创建的功能可在 .NET 上使用?

Mono created features available on .NET?(Mono 创建的功能可在 .NET 上使用?)

本文介绍了Mono 创建的功能可在 .NET 上使用?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


I noticed the following today: Mono at the PDC 2008?

My talk will cover new technologies that we have created as part of Mono. Some of them are reusable on .NET (we try to make our code cross platform) and some other are features that specific to Mono's implementation of the CLI.

Posted by Miguel de Icaza on 01 Oct 2008

Does anybody know what type of new technologies he is refering too?

Sounds like a great talk

[UPDATE] Here is the video of Miguel's talk

  • Mono's SIMD Support: Making Mono safe for Gaming
  • Static Compilation in Mono
  • Unity on Linux, First Screenshots


These are some of the major libraries that you can use:

  • Gtk#, the Cross platform GUI API Unix, Windows, MacOS X,
    • this is an entire stack of libraries and includes widgets (with Gtk+), Accessibility and international text rendering (with PangoSharp).
  • Mono.DataConvert - System.BitConverter implemented correctly, and well designed.
  • Mono.Addins - Extensibility Framework, similar to MEF.
  • Mono.Cairo - Cairo Graphics Binding.
  • Mono.Cecil - ECMA CIL Image Manipulation.
  • Xml.Relaxng - RelaxNG parsing and validation.
  • Novell.Directory.Ldap - LDAP libraries.
  • Daap.Sharp - An implementation of the DAAP protocol
    • (Music exchange protocol, you can consume or expose music sources)
  • Mono.Upnp - Universal Plug and Play implementation in managed code.
  • Mono.ZeroConf - Cross platform ZeroConf/Bonjour API for .NET apps.
  • BitSharp - Bittorrent client/server library, now called MonoTorrent
  • Mono.Nat - Network Address Translation.
  • Mono.Rocks - Useful Extension methods/Functional features for C#, now superseded by Cadenza
  • SmugMugSharp - Bindings to talk to SmugMug
  • Crimson - Crypto libraries beyond what is available in .NET
  • Mono.WebBrowser - Wrapper for Firefox or WebKit.
  • WebkitSharp - Bindings to use WebKit from C#
  • GtkSharpRibbon - The Ribbon, implemented in Gtk# (cross platform)
  • IPodSharp - Library to communicate and manipulate iPods.
  • TagLibSharp - Library to annotate multimedia files (tagging).
  • Exiv2Sharp - EXIF reading/writing library.

Linux Specific:

  • Mono.Posix/Mono.Unix.
  • NDesk.DBus
  • Mono.Fuse - User-space file systems.

I am sure I am missing a bunch of other libraries.

Most of these (and many more) are linked to via the Libraries page.

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本文标题为:Mono 创建的功能可在 .NET 上使用?
