从 c# 调用 UNIX 和 Linux 共享对象文件 .so

Calling UNIX and Linuxshared object file.so from c#(从 c# 调用 UNIX 和 Linux 共享对象文件 .so)

本文介绍了从 c# 调用 UNIX 和 Linux 共享对象文件 .so的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


有没有办法从 C# P/Invoke 调用用 C 编写并在 Unix 上构建的共享对象文件?

Is there a way for a Shared Object file written in C and built on Unix to be called from C# P/Invoke?

或者我需要使用 Java 或类似的东西吗?

Or do I need to use Java or something like that?


Mono 能够从基于 dlopen(3) 构建的 C# 中与本地库集成.您只需使用带有库名称的 DllImport 语句(即libform.so.5"),然后使用友好的 C# 类来包装本机代码和数据类型,该类负责处理所有低级内容.此页面 有一个很好的概述,其中包含有关如何处理封送指针和其他不安全类型的大量信息.

Mono has the ability to integrate with native libraries from within C# built on top of dlopen(3). You just have to use the DllImport statement with the name of the library (i.e. 'libform.so.5'), then wrap the native code and data types with a friendly C# class that takes care of all the low-level stuff. This page has a good overview with lots of information on how to deal with marshaling pointers and other unsafe types.


Once you've got your wrapper class written, you can just use that without worrying about the fact that it's using a native shared library underneath.

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本文标题为:从 c# 调用 UNIX 和 Linux 共享对象文件 .so
