Specflow step argument transformation on table cell contents with CreateInstance(使用 CreateInstance 对表格单元格内容进行 Specflow 步骤参数转换)
有没有人解决了如何结合 SpecFlow.Assist CreateInstance/CreateSet 将 SpecFlow 步骤参数转换应用于表格中的单元格的谜题?(此处合并代码以节省空间)
Has anyone solved the riddle of how to apply SpecFlow Step Argument Transformations to cells in a table, in conjunction with the SpecFlow.Assist CreateInstance/CreateSet? (code combined here to save space)
Given a table like the following:
| Price | Zip | Effective Date |
| 10.00 | 90210 | in 2 days |
When the 'given' step executes
And the table data populates a poco
Then the effective date should be transformed into a DateTime with value of 2 days from today
[Given(@"a table like the following:")]
public void GivenATableLikeTheFollowing(Table table)
var temp = table.CreateInstance<Temp>();
internal class Temp
decimal Price { get; set; }
int Zip { get; set; }
DateTime EffectiveDate { get; set; }
public class Transforms
[StepArgumentTransformation(@"in (d+) days?")]
public DateTime InXDaysTransform(int days)
return DateTime.Today.AddDays(days);
StepArgumentTransformation 绑定显然不适用于表格单元格内容(因为该步骤的参数是 Table 类型),但 SpecFlow.Assist CreateInstance/CreateSet 仍会以某种方式将单元格数据转换为基本类型.
StepArgumentTransformation bindings apparently don't apply to table cell contents (since the step's argument is type Table), but somehow the SpecFlow.Assist CreateInstance/CreateSet will still transform cell data for basic types.
例如,如果有效日期的内容是2016 年 11 月 13 日"而不是2 天内",则基础 poco 的 EffectiveDate 属性可以转换为 DateTime(或 int、decimal 等).
For example , if the Effective Date's contents are '11/13/2016' instead of 'in 2 days', the underlying poco's EffectiveDate property transforms to a DateTime just fine (or an int, decimal, etc).
我看到了一些其他解决方案,例如在步骤定义本身中应用转换,例如 在此处 或创建 StepArgumentTransformation 整个表,但是......明显的缺点.更新:这个问题类似,但是解决方案还避免将 StepArgumentTransformation 与 CreateInstance/CreateSet 混合.
I see some other solutions like applying a conversion within the step definition itself like here or creating a StepArgumentTransformation for the whole table, but... obvious cons. Update: this question is similar, but solutions also avoid mingling StepArgumentTransformation with CreateInstance/CreateSet.
SpecFlow Assist Helpers 文档中还有一个部分关于通过注册值检索器/比较器进行扩展,但在我的示例中,日期时间集已经存在.那么,也许是自定义 DateTime 类型?似乎可能会检查已知类型的 StepArgumentTransformations 或类似的东西.
There is also a section in the SpecFlow Assist Helpers docs about extending by registering value retrievers/comparers, but in my example, a DateTime set already exists. So, perhaps a custom DateTime type? It seems like perhaps there could be a check for StepArgumentTransformations on the known types, or something like that.
在 DateTime 检索器中,类似..
public virtual DateTime GetValue(string value)
var returnValue = DateTime.MinValue;
// check for StepArgumentTransformations here first?
DateTime.TryParse(value, out returnValue);
return returnValue;
关于我在使用 table.CreateInstance 时将 StepArgumentTransformation 应用于表格单元格内容的任何想法?还是提到的解决方案之一是最好/唯一的方法?
Any ideas on what I am missing to get the StepArgumentTransformation to apply to the table cell contents when using table.CreateInstance? Or is one of the mentioned solutions the best/only way?
我创建了一个小型原型,可用于重新配置 Assist 以便能够通过 [StepArgumentTransformation]
I have created a small prototype that can be used to reconfigure Assist to be able to pick up conversions with [StepArgumentTransformation]
我的计划是写一篇关于它的博客文章,但在它准备好之前,也许你可以从这个要点中得到精髓.(我在一年前为 SpecFlow v2.0 做过,因此可能需要进行一些较小的调整.)
My plan is to make a blog post about it, but until it is ready, maybe you can get out the essence from this gist. (I did it a year ago for SpecFlow v2.0, so some smaller adaptions might be necessary.)
这篇关于使用 CreateInstance 对表格单元格内容进行 Specflow 步骤参数转换的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!
本文标题为:使用 CreateInstance 对表格单元格内容进行 Specflow 步骤参数转换
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