如何在设计时 (C#) 隐藏一些默认控件属性?

How do I hide some of the default control properties at design-time (C#)?(如何在设计时 (C#) 隐藏一些默认控件属性?)

本文介绍了如何在设计时 (C#) 隐藏一些默认控件属性?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我制作了一个自定义控件.它继承自 System.Windows.Forms.Control,并具有我添加的几个新属性.是否可以显示我的属性(例如 TextOn 和 TextOff)而不是默认的Text"属性.

I have a custom control that I made. It inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Control, and has several new properties that I have added. Is it possible to show my properties (TextOn and TextOff for example) instead of the default "Text" property.


My control works fine, I'd just like to de-clutter the property window.


您可以覆盖它们(如果它们可以被覆盖)并应用 Browsable 属性,指定 false,或创建新版本的属性并应用相同的属性(第二种方法似乎并不总是有效,所以 YMMV).

You could either override them (if they can be overriden) and apply the Browsable attribute, specifying false, or create a new version of the property and apply the same attribute (this second approach doesn't always appear to work so YMMV).

此外,您可以使用自定义 TypeConverter 为您的类型并覆盖 GetProperties 方法来控制为您的类型显示哪些属性.这种方法对底层基类的变化更加稳健,但可能需要更多的努力,具体取决于您想要实现的目标.

Also, you can use a custom TypeConverter for your type and override the GetProperties method to control what properties get displayed for your type. This approach is more robust to the underlying base classes changing but can take more effort, depending on what you want to achieve.

我经常使用 Browsable 属性和自定义 TypeConverter.

I often use a combination of the Browsable attribute and a custom TypeConverter.

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本文标题为:如何在设计时 (C#) 隐藏一些默认控件属性?
