列出多个组下的 API 方法

Listing API Methods Under Multiple Groups(列出多个组下的 API 方法)

本文介绍了列出多个组下的 API 方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的 Swashbuckle 注释代码如下所示:

[Route("api/Subscribers/{id}/[controller]")][Route("api/Organizations/{id}/[controller]")]公共类地址控制器:控制器{[HttpGet("{aid}")][SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Type = typeof(PostalRecord))]公共异步任务<IActionResult>GetAddress(Guid id,Guid 帮助){//做一点事}



如果我可以删除交叉列出的条目,我怀疑 [SwaggerOperationFilter] 可能是答案的另一半".我以前没有玩过这种机制.


另外,很遗憾 [SwaggerOperation] 只能应用于方法/动作.我宁愿把它应用到类本身:

[Route("api/Subscribers/{id}/[controller]")][Route("api/Organizations/{id}/[controller]")][SwaggerOperation(Tags = new []{"订阅者", "组织"})]公共类地址控制器:控制器{



@venerik 让我走上了正确的道路.但我需要的不是 [SwaggerOperation] 属性,而是 [SwaggerOperationFilter],如下所示:

公共类 CategorizeFilter : IOperationFilter{公共无效应用(操作操作,OperationFilterContext上下文){字符串路径 = context.ApiDescription.RelativePath;字符串段 = path.Split('/')[1];如果(段!= context.ApiDescription.GroupName){operation.Tags = 新列表<字符串>{ 分割 };}}}


[Route("api/Subscribers/{id}/[controller]")][Route("api/Organizations/{id}/[controller]")]公共类地址控制器:控制器{[HttpGet("{aid}")][SwaggerOperationFilter(typeof(CategorizeFilter))][SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Type = typeof(PostalRecord))]公共异步任务<IActionResult>GetAddress(Guid id,Guid 帮助){//做一点事}

因此,地址"类别从我的 Swagger UI 中完全消失了(很好!),并且端点路由的双组在组织"和订阅者"组之间正确划分.完美!

I have Swashbuckle annotated code that looks like this:

public class AddressesController : Controller
    [SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Type = typeof(PostalRecord))]
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetAddress(Guid id, Guid aid)
       //do something

I would like to use the GroupActionsBy customization, as shown in this example, but I want to have the above GetAddress method simultaneously included into two separate groups that correspond to the two route prefixes shown:


In other words, I want the same method to be listed under both:

  • Subscribers
  • Organizations

How can this be done?

Incidentally, I'm working with ASP.NET Core (dnx46). If it is not yet possible to do this with the ASP.NET Core version of Swashbucklee, then a full-CLR (Web API 2.2?) example would still be appreciated.

Also, for a more complete story of what I'm trying to do - I have a separate SO post.


The answer given by @venerik got me close to the solution. When I apply his sample code...

[SwaggerOperation(Tags = new []{"Subscribers", "Organizations"})]

...this causes the Swagger listings to look like this:

In short, the "Addresses" endpoints are now appearing under the headings that I want but, as the red arrow indicates, they are now also being "cross-listed"; I don't want the "Subscribers" endpoint being listed under the "Organizations" endpoint.

I'm suspicious that a [SwaggerOperationFilter] might be "the other half" of the answer, if I can make it remove the cross-listed entries. I've not played with that mechanism before.


Also, it is very unfortunate that [SwaggerOperation] can only be applied on methods/actions. I would rather apply it to the class itself:

[SwaggerOperation(Tags = new []{"Subscribers", "Organizations"})]
public class AddressesController : Controller

Is there any remedy for this?


@venerik got me on the right path. But instead of a [SwaggerOperation] attribute, what I needed was a [SwaggerOperationFilter], like this:

public class CategorizeFilter : IOperationFilter
    public void Apply(Operation operation, OperationFilterContext context)
        string path = context.ApiDescription.RelativePath;
        string segment = path.Split('/')[1];

        if (segment != context.ApiDescription.GroupName)
            operation.Tags = new List<string> { segment };

Then I just decorate my actions as needed:

public class AddressesController : Controller
    [SwaggerResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Type = typeof(PostalRecord))]
    public async Task<IActionResult> GetAddress(Guid id, Guid aid)
       //do something

As a consequence, the "Addresses" category completely disappeared from my Swagger UI (good!) and the twin set of endpoint routes are properly divided between "Organizations" and "Subscribers" groups. Perfect!

这篇关于列出多个组下的 API 方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!

本文标题为:列出多个组下的 API 方法
