Failed to queue test run: Unable to start the agent process(Visual Studio 2010)(未能将测试运行排队:无法启动代理进程(Visual Studio 2010))
尝试在我的解决方案 (Visual Studio 2010) 中运行所有单元测试时,我收到无法将测试运行排队 xxxx@MACHINENAME 2010-06-23 14:01:36":无法启动代理进程' 错误.有谁知道导致这个特定错误发生的原因以及如何解决它以便我可以运行我的单元测试?
While trying to run all the unit tests in my solution(Visual Studio 2010) I am getting a 'Failed to queue test run xxxx@MACHINENAME 2010-06-23 14:01:36': Unable to start the agent process' error. Does anyone know what causes this particular error to occur and how to resolve it so that I can run my unit tests?
我不知道 Visual Studio 2010 是否仍然是这种情况,但在 Visual Studio 2008 中您可能会遇到同样的情况.当断开一个单元时测试运行(即在调试单元测试时检测到错误代码时)它将使进程继续运行.
I don't know if this is still the case for Visual Studio 2010, but you could have this same scenario in Visual Studio 2008. When breaking off a unit test run (i.e. when detecting erroneous code while debugging a unit test) it would leave a process running.
阻碍 Visual Studio 2008 执行并且必须被终止才能再次进行单元测试的进程是 VSPerfMon.exe.可能值得一看 VS2010.
The process that is hindering execution for Visual Studio 2008 and has to be killed to be able to unit test again is VSPerfMon.exe. Might be wort a look for VS2010.
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本文标题为:未能将测试运行排队:无法启动代理进程(Visual Studio 2010)

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